Foot off the gas, let him find it.


So I get to put on a suit and talk about how great you are? I was hoping to avoid that until your funeral.


He's got them stashed all over the apartment like an alcoholic. I found one in the bookcase behind my vodka.


I guess you were right, as scary as it is, sometimes you have to leave it all up to fate.


Dani: I like a man who can wear a fedora without looking like a hipster you want to punch in the face.
Will: well, I like not being punched in the face.

Oscar: Wait Alan the moocher who lives in your basement?
Teddy: Hey, many great men got their start in a basement.
Oscar: No, many great men got their start in a garage, many serial killers got their start in a basement.

Felix: It's obvious what we have to do.
Oscar: Yeah, teach Dani to cry in the shower like a normal person.

Oscar: This is what I'm wearing right now. Yikes.
Felix: Casey?
Oscar: Maureen, the waitress, wearing only her name tag.
Felix: Yikes.
Oscar: Well this phone's ruined, happy birthday buddy.
Felix: That's a funny place for a name tag.

Oh he'll be gone the whole rest of the day, I sent him to the Container Store. It's his happy place. He always says the only thing that they can't contain is his enthusiasm for the Container Store.


He was cleaning a vacuum, we just had to go ten feet.


Oscar: Well your body needs a work out, you really need to keep it moving.
Casey: So, like a run?
Oscar: Yes, but with less vertical pressure on the knees.

What? Oh for God's sake, what is wrong now? Are the seeds too close together, is the lettuce too emotionally available?


The Odd Couple Quotes

Casey: Let me guess, another neighbor with your mail?
Oscar: No, you are the only woman in the building I'm stalking, I promise.

Oscar: Hot Casey from downstairs might be stopping by.
Dani: So you've moved from flirting in the elevator to an actual date?
Oscar: Sort of, I sneak some of my mail into her mailbox to force her to come by the apartment.
Dani: Aw, all the great romances start with the words "sneak" and "forced."