Primaries are their own insanity.


The most powerful men are the ones no one knows exist.


Eli: I need a quote from you for Peter's bio.
Alicia: Do you need it to be true?
Eli: True adjacent.

Cary: And I've heard you more than once joke about the pole stuck up Diane's ass.
Diane: Excuse me?

In order to sue somebody you'd have to know how.


You do zero, Howard. You sit around with your pants down, literally!


Suddenly there's a palace guard wearing a pants suit and cheap shoes.


Reese Dipple's the reason you're not at the firm. You sway Peter on this bill and Dipple will sprinkle rose petals as you step off the elevator.


Prosecutor: It's semantics.
Judge Schakowsky: No, it's the law. You know the difference? I get a gavel.

Someone had a good nap.


Don't worry, dear, most babies are unattractive.


Freedom. The best thing to happen to anyone.


Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.