Six years ago you got a message from Will Gardner, a voicemail, and I erased it. You were about to go on stage and stand beside Peter for his SA run and I didn't want to hurt that. I listened to the voicemail. Will said he loved you and would give up everything to be with you and I erased it. I never let you hear it and I've been sick about it ever since and I don't want to stand in the way of your happiness again. That's why I'm sorry.


No, no, no. I know that voice. I've used that voice.


It's odd that someone could be so good yet think things so bad.


Howard: Oh, come on. This is fun. The first case I ever worked on was a patent.
David: For what, the wheel?

Alicia: You're telling me, when I sleep with Jason, you'd rather I kept it private.?
Eli: You're joking right?

Alicia: Anyone who knows me will smell the bull crap a mile away.
Ruth: Yes, but it's Iowa. All they smell is bull crap.

You are very sexy when you're writing a check.


Well, it'a a racism case and my firm is a little pale at the moment.

Louis Canning

So let's just file that one under ongoing disasters, shall we?


Alicia: Wanna get laid?
Peter: Do you?
Alicia: Sure, I've got 20 minutes.

Lucca: Yeah, I can see you here, making clients way, ordering associates around, being the queen bee bitch.
Alicia: I'm a much calmer person now.
Lucca: Oh my god, that's a terrifying thought.

I have no words. No, you can keep talking but I have no words for this.


Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.