Lea: Please go talk to him.
Glassman: Shouldn't you be in a room having a baby?

Lea: I know things are difficult between the two of you right now, but he [Glassman] should know that his grandson is being born.
Shaun: He knows. He said congratulations and then he closed the door.

Can you have one of your visions? There has to be something.


I can't do my job as well as I want and take care of Eden the way I need. I've made the mistake of putting my career ahead of the people I love before. I'm not doing it again.


Andrews: Internal decapitation.
Lim: Have you ever worked on one of these?
Andrews: I've never even seen one.

Morgan: I had three patients drop out of my clinical trial and every nanny within 90 miles is either dumb, lazy, or incompetent.
Park: Mommy Morgan has very exacting standards.

Lea: Oh my God. Either my water just broke or I just peed all over your office.
Glassman: Either way, it's a first.

Hello. It is very nice to meet you. I am Dr. Shaun Murphy. I am your dad.


Jordan: Where's Perez?
Jerome: Kalu is bringing him in.
Jordan: So he's the least critical?
Jerome: He's... they'll be here soon.

Asher: There are no attendings available.
Lea: You should go.
Shaun: But I am supposed to be with you to hold your hand and talk about our future.
Lea: Have you been watching pregnancy movies again?

Woman: He was just here. And now he's gone. How do I go on without him?
Shaun: When my brother Steve died, I didn't know how I would go on without him. But I did. Because someone else came into my life who took care of me and loved me. Now he may be gone too. It is very hard to lose people you thought would never leave. But you will be okay because you have no choice. When we love people we love, we have to find a way to keep going for the people we still have.

Lim: You know, a crochety old man once told me that holding onto anger is toxic.
Glassman: I'm not crochety.
Lim: You were right then. I'm right now.
Glassman: He humiliated me yesterday, as everyone in this room knows.
Lim: And he's having his baby today.

The Good Doctor Quotes

Asher: We'd have to remove her uterus and they're starting a family.
Shaun: She won't be able to have a baby if she's dead.

Shaun, sometimes a woman wants advice and sometimes she just wants support.

Dr. Claire Browne