Chester: Wait, hold on, hold on. Is this thing, like, a time capsule? Ooo, maybe like a TARDIS.
Cisco: P-Runk, you picked a hell of a day to start your CCPD Consultant Internship. Yeah, this is definitely a time traveler.

Look, there are people out there just like you who wish they hadn't been a part of this story. But they were. You're their voice. So try again, for them.


Usually we have to kiss first to make the ground shake.


I may be the Paragon of Love, but that's only because you're my heart. Please, come back to me.


Barry: Of all the Wells, you were the one I wanted to meet the most. I'm Bar-
Harrison: Barry Allen. I know. The other Wells might be gone, but they left an imprint, memories. And so let me just say, whatever's wrong. Let me help you because they would want me to.
Barry: You can't. This enemy that we're facing is all-powerful, plus my speed is gone.
Harrison: Aren't you the Paragon of Love? Look, anyone could save the world with their speed, with their might. But it takes a real hero. A once-in-a-lifetime hero to do it with his heart.
Barry: What is that supposed to mean?
Harrison: It means run, Barry. Run toward love.

I have a theory that went Nash and all the other Wells were removed from the timeline, the universe required a balancing act. One Wells to make up for all those lost. Isn't that cosmic?


Barry: And what happens to us?
Eva: You adapt to your new world. Same as I did. Don't worry, Barry. I'm not going to kill anyone. I'm not your enemy. What I am is a mother to a newer, better world.

Boss, you have to get better. The Citizen doesn't work without you. So, just, please, come back, okay? Cause we're not giving up on you. Especially Barry. What you two have is amazing. No matter how strong you both are on your own, you're even stronger together. Don't let Eva McCulloch end what you guys have.


He was the most brilliant mind I ever met. They all were. Whatever the problem, you could count on a Wells, a council of them, to have the answers. Now, they're all gone. We gotta find the answers ourselves.


Why does it always feel like for us to win, some of us have to lose?


Those Wells', they took some getting used to, didn't they? If we learned anything from them, it was that our greatest weapon against darkness isn't our superpowers. It's our humanity. And our love for each other.


Kamilla, we have been through our fair share of danger. So, no matter what dimension we're in, no matter what kind of villain we face, there is nothing that can stop us as long as we stick together.


The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost