Deon: Who's the egghead?
Timeless Wells: Harrison Wells.

I'm supposed to protect lives, not destroy them!


Man, I wish Nash Wells was here. He came up with most of these equations for the ASF machine. I feel like he could crack this easy peasy.


You fight like a boy.


Speed Force: Barry, you helped me be reborn. And now you're keeping me safe. Of course, I want to help you.
Barry: I keep telling you, I didn't ask for help! Look, you chose me to be the hero. So, let me be the hero.

Barry: Frost's ice crystals are usually hexagonal.
Kramer: It's Killer Frost, Officer Allen. And you seem to know a lot about her powers.
Barry: Yeah, I've worked her crime scenes. And she's never killed anyone.

Holy Baby Grogu.


Frost: Look, I'm not some thug anymore, okay? I've grown.
Cecile: I know that, honey. I do. Look, I'm one of the people that you kidnapped.

Speed Force: Don't worry. If you need me, I'll sense it and I'll be there in a heartbeat.
Barry: Great.

He could stop you in your tracks anytime, anywhere. That's his power. It's like he's the opposite of the Speed Force. He's the Still Force. Which I guess would make Fuerza the Strength Force. And that would make Psych the Sage Force.


Chester: Do you do this kind of thing a lot for him?
Quincy: Everything I do is for him. He's the reason I get out of bed in the morning.
Chester: But don't you ever resent having to work so hard 24/7?
Quincy: I'm the boy's father. And Chester's worth any sacrifice I have to make. Besides, when it comes to him, I don't believe in quitting.
Chester: So you don't care about your work more than your son? You care about your work because of him.
Quincy: I'm just a man trying to do the right thing. Make my son proud.

Speed Force: I never took into account how much his mother's death might still weigh on him. What have I done? I'll change my appearance. Appear in my true form to all of you from now on as lightning because I can't keep hurting him like this.
Iris: You're not causing him pain. You're giving him a gift.
Speed Force: How?
Iris: It's like how his blanket reminds him of his mom. And that memory gives him comfort and peace, it's the same thing with you.
Speed Force: So, I'm not a painful reminder?
Iris: No, not at all. You are a happy one. I may be his lightning rod, but you are his lightning.
Speed Force: Thank you.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost