This place is like a museum of clinical depression.


I talked to Julia, and she told me everything. And listen, if you don't want me here because you actually don't like me then I will go, but if you are pushing me away because you think this is too deep for me, then you do not know how deep I go. I'm in love with you. And I know it's fast, but screwe it, we're adults, and I know when it's real And what's real is I'm not afraid of you rejecting me, but I am not even scared of you rejecting me, but I am absolutely terrified that you are going to go through this alone. Let me be there for you.


I need to be able to provide for the people in my life.


Gabby: Every time I think that you might be a decent person, you remind me that the only thing you actually care about is yourself and your career and this show.
Nick: This is news to you, Gabby? I'm just a guy trying to get a second season here. It's the show above everything else. This is my job. I'm not your friend, Gabby.
Gabby: Yeah, noted.

Gabby: Look in my eyes, what do you see?
Nick: Warmth, compassion, commitment to social justice, and three kittens curled up in a basket.
Gabby: No, you see murder, murder in myeyes. I'm not cheating. I don't have to, and that's final.
Nick: You have to. You have to cheat to win.

Monica: Hello, friends.
Nick: Oh, right. It's Our Lady of Hallucinogenics. What can I do for you?

Monica: Justin, stay for a minute. Your soul is so special.
Justin: Thank you.
Monica: I never thought I'd have a protege. I have so much to teach you, and you have so much to teach me. It flows both ways. You're my favorite. Don't tell the others.

Jessica: Sounds like you're creatively blocked.
Monica: Oh, do you have a Ph.D. in Psychology?
Jessica: No, just a Master's.

Gabby: I want her off the show, and I want her part.
Nick: I like this energy. We're talking about Brittney, right? Hey, I'm sorry about what happened last night. Are you okay?
Gabby: Not remotely okay. Sam's going to go to school today and kids are going to joke about his child molester father. She messed with my kid, so again, I want her off the show. I want revenge.
Nick: Mmm, mmmh! I love revenge Gabby.

Nick: First revenge Gabby. Now premeditated murder Gabby. I got goosebumps. This is great. Do me a favor though, if you're actually going to kill her, make sure there's a camera there, huh?
Gabby: I can't tell if you're joking or not.
Nick: Look into my eyes. I have to get my steps in. Come on, tell me your plan.

Nick: Gabby, I love a convoluted caper, I do, but you stand to lose everything here.
Gabby Yeah, I don't care. Look, I have to do this. If I don't stand up for myself, I'm going to think about it for the rest of my life, so yeah, I'm putting it all on the line. What she did cannot go unchecked. Not today. Not anymore. Not this bitch.
Nick: Ohh, that was hot. You gotta say that on camera!

OK, I really don't like calling other women a bitch, but what a bitch!


The Big Leap Season 1 Quotes

Stop saying I got fired. It's not accurate. The auto industry shipped my job to Mexico, and there was a global pandemic. From a bat! A bat killed all of our grandparents! How is that my fault?


Dancer 1: How does she not know he's gay?
Dancer 2: How does he not know he's gay?