Gabby: So, I made up this hokey ending where Odette has to love herself, but I was a fraud. See, I don't remember a time when I looked in the mirror and didn't want something to be different or I wasn't beating myself up about something I said or I did, but being on this show playing the White Swan and having all these dancers support each other, it's just, I got it. It happened. I was able to feel love for myself.
Nick: And what did that feel like?
Gabby: In that moment, I felt about me the way I felt about Sam. I want to protect me, and I love myself. And I was proud of myself, and it was suddenly so clear that there was always a chance for everbody, and you just can't always see it right away.
Nick: How do we get that feeling to last?
Gabby: I don't know. Practice. Surrounding yourself with the right people.
Nick: That sounds just right.

Monica: When you auditioned for the show I thought you were just a dreary little office drone.
Gabby: Okay.
Monica: But I see how badly I misjudged you because you might be a genius.

Hi Mike. This is it! I assume it's just before curtain. Listen, baby, all of our friends, everyone on that show, they're helping us go through something so hard. So even if you don't want to go out there tonight, do it for them. Do it for me. Most important, do it for you. Be a part of something and then keep being a part of more things, I wish I had something more profound to say but that's all I got. Just keep doing stuff with people because that's what life is. My beautiful husband. Break a leg. I love you so much, and I want you to dance like I'm watching because I am.


What is happening?! We were supposed to have more time!


We minimize her.... people tune into reality shows to be sad about someone getting broken up with in a jacuzzi, not to be sad about a woman who was nice to everyone and finally found love but died of cancer way too young because that is a reminder that life is crushingly unfair which is exactly what people tune into these shows to forget about, okay? So we minimize her.


Nick: It can't be panic attacks. Do the thing where you yell at me again and call me a stupid bitch.
Monica: You're not dying, you're grieving. You're sad about Paula and you're afraid of wasting your life being a snake in the grass. You stupid bitch. Sometimes things happen that require us to stop and reflect and feel, Nick. Paula died and no one is okay, including you. It seems to me that you can either make something beautiful in her honor or continue to produce garbage to chase ratings.

Even if you run from this, Paula's going to die. And, uh, you're going to be heartbroken. The choice isn't whether or not you're going to feel pain, you're going to feel pain. The choice is about how you feel about yourself when that time comes.


You may be wondering why Mike and Paula asked me to officiate their wedding. Me too. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to stand here in front of cameras and talk about love. But then I asked myself the question that I"m usually asking everyone else, which is "what prevents us?" You can ask that about a lot of things. What prevents us from saying the things we want to say or for allowing ourselves to love or be loved, and you always came up with the same answer. The thing that prevents us is fear, putting yourself out there, letting someone really see you is scary. Trusting other people is terrifying. Looking at a terrible situation, holding hands, and facing it together, well, I guess that's love. So today we celebrate love triumphing over fear. You know, Mike and Paula met on the show, and I have to give myself credit. I saw their story right away, I put their head shots right next to each other, and I said these two, these two are going to bang. But it turned out to be more than that. I turned out to be a love story that gave us all hope and inspiration.


Paula, ours is a classic love story. Guy falls for girl. Guy loses girl. Guy goes on a reality dance show to win girl back, but then meets a totally different girl who turns out to be his soul mate and shows him what true happiness is. Paula, you met me at my worse, and you accepted me. You made me my best. I love you.


OK, let's get this out of the way. I have cancer. And it's weird for me, too, but when I'm here with you guys, I'd like to be treated like a normal person, not a puppy abandoned at a truck station.


Nick: Does it say my name behind me?
Wayne: Oh, yes it does.
Nick: It's huge, isn't it?
Wayne: Oh, yes it is. Now, look over here, just sit back.
Nick: Wayne, I know where to look, alright? It's just this chair is really uncomfortable.
Wayne: I know, you requested it.
Nick: Are the lights always this bright? I feel like I'm going under the knife.

Wayne: I'm sensing a growth opportunity here. Nick Blackburne's very own Big Leap?
Nick: Ok, you know what? I'm going to leap out of here. I'm sick of seeing your face.

The Big Leap Season 1 Quotes

Stop saying I got fired. It's not accurate. The auto industry shipped my job to Mexico, and there was a global pandemic. From a bat! A bat killed all of our grandparents! How is that my fault?


Dancer 1: How does she not know he's gay?
Dancer 2: How does he not know he's gay?