Harvey: I see what this is. You want to take me on.
Mike: Take you on, kick your ass. What's the difference?
Harvey: How fair do you want this fight to be?
Mike: Anything that can get us disbarred or put in jail is off-limits. I'll make sure to accept your loss gracefully.

Donna: What, exactly are you trying to tell me?
Faye: That you have to give up your vote.

Harvey: Is that for me?
Donna: Why yes it is. A handsome coffee for my handsome man.
Harvey: What do you want?
Donna: Why do I have to want something to give you a compliment.
Harvey: You don't, but you do. You know you're not the only one who can do that.
Donna: You heard me on the phone with my father, didn't you?
Harvey: Okay, you're the only one that can do that. But, if you're going to ask me to come to breakfast, I don't think it's a great idea.
Donna: But, I want to tell him about us and I thought we could do it together.
Harvey: I get that, Donna, but in case you forgot, the first time I met the man, I told him if he took your money, I would shut down the deal.
Donna: Harvey, that was a long time ago.
Harvey: And it was not so long ago that he accused me of putting you at risk over Mike.
Donna: Okay, maybe it is best if I tell him myself. But you're the two most important men in my life, and if I tell him that I choose you, he's not going to hold a grudge, he's going to be happy for us.
Harvey: In other words, the next time it's the three of us.
Donna: You bet your ass it is. And he's in town for a week, so put your big boy pants on and find us a restaurant or my father won't be the only Paulsen you have to worry about.

Alex: Did you lie to Susan's family that you were me last week?
Louis: No.
Alex: Louis.
Louis: Look, let's just deal with this.

Donna: Don't take this away from me.
Faye: Make a decision by tomorrow, or I'll make one for you.

I just thought you should be the first to know. I'm leaving.


Samantha: What are we going to do about it?
Alex: Whatever you're thinking of is what got us into this mess in the first place.

Cross one line, and you'll be out on your ass.


Harvey: Hey.
Donna: Hey.
Harvey: I couldn't help but notice you didn't come over last night.
Donna: I know.
Harvey: Did you also know that's the first night we haven't spent together since we got together.
Donna: I didn't know how to make sense of you taking my side with Louis when you didn't agree with me.
Harvey: What do you mean? I thought you would like that.
Donna: Well, I don't. I don't want you saying things that you don't believe. And I want to know why you did it.
Harvey: I guess, because, I was afraid you'd be mad at me.
Donna: Well, that's never stopped you before.
Harvey: Because, before we weren't together.

Fay: If you want me gone, convince me that you people can fly right.
Samantha: And if we don't?
Fay: Then, you'll be fired.

Donna: How long is she going to be here?
Louis: I don't know. Apparently, it's left to the bar's discretion.
Harvey: Bullshit. There is no way I am letting the bar move into my house and tell me how to run it.
Louis: What?
Alex: You know what. This never would have happened if we just ...
Samantha: Don't even say it.
Alex: You don't even know what I was going to say.
Samantha: I can take a guess. You were going to say this all happened because of what Robert did.
Fay: It happened because of your collective choices.
Louis: This is a private meeting, Fay.
Fay: It's also the perfect opportunity for me to introduce myself to the firm's leadership, such as it is.
Donna: Such as it is?
Fay: Miss Paulsen, when a firm's out of control, that starts at the top.
Harvey: If you think you can waltz right in here and start throwing around accusations...
Fay: Then how about we throw around some facts? You've had two managing partners disbarred in as many years, a junior partner go to prison, and if you think anybody believes that you weren't a party to that fraud, think again, but as of today, I'm wiping the slate clean of everything you've ever done.

Alex: You have no proof we've ever done anything.
Fay: I have experience, and when there's this much smoke, there's fire.

Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.