Katrina: Whatever you're doing, I want in.
Samantha: I am doing things you can't.

Donna: Harvey, I have some bad news.
Harvey: What?
Donna: It's your mother. She had a heart attack. She's gone.

Donna: I packed you some breakfast for the road.
Harvey: Thanks. Listen, are you sure you're good with me going on this trip? Not a lot of women would want their men doing this.
Donna: Harvey, I'm not a lot of women.
Harvey: No, you're not.
Donna: And the truth is, any one of us would be there, but you're the one who knows what she's going through the most.
Harvey: She was abandoned by her parents, I wasn't.
Donna: No, but when it came to your mother, you felt like you were, and you were estranged from her for a long time. None of us knows what that feels like.
Harvey: Maybe I am the best man for the job.
Donna: As far as I'm concerned you're the best man for any job, and I love you.
Harvey: [coughs] Thanks, and I ... love ... you too.
Donna: You're an idiot.

I'm Harvey Specter. Laugh!


He's gone two full days. I can sit in his chair, listen to his records, I can finally be Harvey Specter. And no one will ever know.


Ted: Hello, is this Harvey Specter?
Louis: Maybe. That depends. Who's calling? Have you heard my voice before, met me in any way, shape or form?
Ted: No, but I was hoping to soon. This is Ted Tucker.
Louis: The Ted Tucker?
Ted: That's right, and unless I'm mistaken, you're the Harvey Specter.
Louis: You bet your ass I am. What can I do for ya, chief dog? As long as it's on the phone, I'm good to go.
Ted: I was hoping that we could meet about a very important matter.
Louis: Yeah, let's set it up. Any time after Friday. I have a cold right now, so my voice will be different then, but.
Ted: Next week is not going to work for me, Harvey. I need to meet with you, and I need to meet with you today.
Louis: Today, in person? Uh, no, Ted, at the moment...
Ted: No at the moment. I want to take you to lunch, and I promise you it'll be the best lunch you've ever had.
Louis: Okay, Ted, can you just hold on one second, please? You know what, T-Dog, I can't make that happen, but what I can do is I can send my partner, Louis Litt who happens to be an excellent attorney in his own right. In fact, when you meet him, he'll sit down just like me.
Ted: Harvey, I don't want to meet with some schlub I've never heard of. Now, do you want to have the best lunch you've ever had or not?
Louis: Just tell me when and where, and I'll be there.

What if you could remove the memory of your mother's affair?


We're looking into Faye and we're going to force her out.


Louis: What if there was another way?
Harvey: I'm pulling the trigger either way.

Harvey: What are we doing?
Louis: I'll tell you what we're doing: We're getting Samantha her job back.

Harvey: You know, just because she gave you a key, doesn't mean you're staying here.
Mike: Why would I stay here? I've got my old apartment that you're pretending to rent for me. Rick Sorkin? You've gone soft.
Harvey: Maybe I've always been a softie.
Mike: What happened to caring makes you weak?
Harvey: I think you're confusing caring with moving to Seattle. Speaking of Seattle, don't you have some old ladies looking to sue the condo association?
Mike: Yes, I do, but those old ladies are going to have to wait because I always have time for an old friend. It's good to see you, Harvey.
Harvey: It's great to see you Mike.

As of this moment, you are fired from this company.


Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.