In times of division, we identify that upon which we can agree. A shared goal, perhaps, that can lead to compromise.


Stop comparing pain, man.


Stamets: You’re stressed.
Culber: I’m not stressed.
Stamets: You are also cleaning. Ergo, stressed.
Culber: Just clearing my head.

Burnham: Saru told me what happened at the subspace rift. How you didn’t want to stand down when he told you to?
Owosekun: I was totally out of bounds. I apologized to him.
Burnham: I know. But I also know how it feels to want to do something, anything. And how it feels when you can’t.

Pardon me if I mispronounce this, but ‘You were right.’


It’s very important for the Federation President and I to present a united front, so I would never publicly contradict her. But I can take a page out of her own book, and encourage you as one of the most creative and adept officers in my service, to do everything you can to stop them. Within the parameters of the mission you were given. You find a way, Captain Burnham. That’s also an order.


Burnham: You don’t miss much, do you?
Saru: Only when sleep-deprived.

There are varying degrees of loss, Lt. Commander Owosekun. And if you could feel the weight of mine, if only for a fleeting moment, you’d reconsider how much choice one has with regards to what comes out of it.


Sacrifice is always heavy. Although doing it for the right reasons should help, it never does.


I won’t deny what Book means to me, but I also won’t compromise my commitment to the safety of the Federation and everyone in it.


Stamets: This is what we found at the species’ coordinates. Their technological capabilities are beyond our wildest assumptions.
Rillak: How do you conclude that from this? It looks like a … blob.

Our experiences shape us. That's what makes this so difficult. Before we head down a path that could lead to destruction, on both sides, we need to reach first for understanding. For generations, the Federation has sought out new life, new civilizations, not to destroy but to connect. Even in the face of uncertainty. And we are not all Federation members, but those ideals can still guide us, especially now. We cannot let fear define us in this moment. We're all in this together. Wherever we come from, whatever our experiences, and the only way we get through this. We need to decide who do we want to be. Do we lash out blindly, no matter the risk? Or do we proceed thoughtfully, work toward the future we want to live in? I believe that's who we are. We wouldn't be here otherwise.
