It's part of what drives me, I think. Refusing to be powerless like that.


Burnham: Stamets, we'll need those thirty seconds on shields right now.
Stamets: I'll do my best not to kill us.
Burnham: Always appreciated.

When I was a child, I, like many of you, dreamed of going where no one has gone before. None of us could've imagined it would be under these circumstances. With so much uncertainty, so much at stake. We don't know what we'll find. We don't know how we'll be received.


Burnham: I can't have you questioning my orders on the bridge.
Rillak: I presume we're now clear on the difference between asking a question and questioning.

It's not just you. Insecurity is universal and totally normal.


Christopher: So, that's the edge of the galaxy?
Rhys: Is it wrong that I think that's pretty damn cool?
Saru: Frontiers are always cool, Mr. Rhys. If only we could enjoy it.

Kovich: I understand their emotional desire to be present when we make contact. I wish I could be there myself.
Burnham: You're not coming?
Kovich: Unfortunately, there are other urgent matters that I must attend to.
Ndoye: I cannot fathom anything even remotely as urgent as this.
Kovich: And I intend to keep it that way.

As leaders, we see success or failure, right or wrong, but it's never that binary. Nothing is. There is a middle ground here.


We can argue semantics all we want, but I think we can both agree that Book is shooting at us.


This is tough for everyone. And we all have different views on what Book's done. But we're here to fix this. And that's what we're going to do. Together.


Burnham: How are we with that boromite timetable?
Stamets: We're working as fast as we can. We're crunching gigaquads of raw data.
Burnham: Can you crunch faster?
Stamets: Is there an acceptable answer other than yes?
Burnham: No.
Stamets: Then, yes.

In times of division, we identify that upon which we can agree. A shared goal, perhaps, that can lead to compromise.
