Carla: I've never been to Sea World. What exactly does Sean do here, anyway?
J.D.: Probably cleans up the seal poop!

J.D.: By the way, Carla, I know an amazing Journey cover band, you should get 'em to play at your reception.
Carla: Bambi, not everyone loves Journey as much as you.
J.D.: I don't love Journey.
Turk: "She's just a small town girl..."
J.D.: "Livin' in a lonely world! She took a midnight train goin' aaaanywheeeere!" Fine, I love 'em. If you wanna book the band, they're called The Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin's and they rock! Book 'em now, thank me later.

Carla: Okay, I have some news! We picked a date for the wedding. Tell 'em Turk... April 24th!
Elliot: No, way! Mine is April 25th! 2006!... Oh, the place I love in Connecticut books up early so what the hell, took a shot.
J.D.: One, two, three...
J.D. & Turk: Crazy!

J.D.'s Narration: I'm never happy when a guy comes back into Elliot's life. But at least with Sean... it's entertaining.
Elliot: Thanks for the latte. I should have warned you that the reason I love that place is that they're known for making the hottest coffee in town.
Sean(lisping): Yeah, well, no sthweat. You know, lessthon learned.

J.D.: You know what? I'm gonna take you out tonight. Yes, Sir! We're gonna get some dinner, we'll get a nice bottle of wine...
Turk: Sounds like you're asking me out on a man date.
J.D.: Turk, why are you so afraid of loving me?

Sean: Why is everything so much easier with dolphins?
Elliot: Because you're not trying to date a dolphin.
Sean: No, well, not after that big talk they gave us.

Turk: Okay, Um... Ever since Carla and I set the date for the wedding, I started thinking. You know those lame-ass couples that get engaged but they never actually get married - they just cruise along, year after year, without making any real kind of commitment?
J.D.: Uh-huh?
Turk: Dude, I wanted to be one of those couples, man!

Turk: So I'm a little homophobic... I mean, we all got our stuff, right? I bet, deep down inside, you're a little racist?
Mr. Quinn: Marrying a black guy?
Turk: Dude, how pissed are your parents, honestly?

'Scuse me for a second, fellas. I'm gonna go over there and tell that girl my name's "Beer," then I'm gonna offer her some "beer nuts"! What's up!


J.D.: I had a tattoo once.
Turk: Dude, you got your face painted at the hospital picnic.
J.D.: I was a cougar! Arrgh-arrgh-aaarrgh!

Dr. Cox: Carla, you're forcing me to say something that I prayed I'd never have to say again to another woman: Please, please, please, put down the cup of urine.

Turk: What really freaks me out, though, is the thought of being that open with another guy - any guy. I don't know what it is, I mean that's just the way I been my whole life. Maybe... maybe it's because I'm scared, you know?
Mr. Quinn: Dude... that's a little gay.

Scrubs Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Turk: What really freaks me out, though, is the thought of being that open with another guy - any guy. I don't know what it is, I mean that's just the way I been my whole life. Maybe... maybe it's because I'm scared, you know?
Mr. Quinn: Dude... that's a little gay.

Janitor: Nurse Espinosa, I feel bad about what happened before; and so I went and searched through like forty bags of garbage... And I found the torn off urine label. Also found half a tooth.
Laverne: Over here, jumpsuit!
Carla: Mr. Thomasberg, let's get you to the lab!
Dr. Cox: Hey, studly! Now, when you were out rooting through the dumpster, you didn't stumble across your own testicles, did'ja?
Janitor: Hey, you know that long line of trembling peons that are so afraid of you? Well I'm not in that line.
Dr. Cox: Oh, you're not?
Janitor: No. I'm not in anybody's line.
Laverne: This is a Chicklet!
Janitor: I gotta go.