I’m not going to be like Austin. I ride for a lot more reasons than winning and sponsorships. I love it and want to do it for a long time, surrounded by the people I care about. I want you to be my coach.


When I lost him and Austin, this community took care of me because that is what family does.


Cash: I don’t know how to be okay. You don’t what I saw over there, Mom. I saw people die, people with families. I got to do something.
Isobel: It’ll always be hard for me to trust that you riding bulls will be okay.

Valeria: I get why you’re conflicted.
Cash: Thank you. Seriously, you’re the only one not making me feel like an idiot for contemplating riding with an injury.

Isabel: I know I’ve been tough with you.
Missy: You always have been. I remember when you were my coach, and now you’re coaching me, coach Cash.
Isabel: You’re right, and that isn’t fair. I owe you an apology. Missy, you are a great coach. He needs you.

Cash: I know my limits.
Nic: I also know you’d do anything for your family, so make sure what you decide today is worth the risk.

Don’t make a big deal out of it. Play it cool. Do more listening than talking. That will keep you out of trouble.


Missy: Did you get into a fight with Gus?
Tuff: Really?
Valeria: Busted!
Cash: You’ve had a lot on your mind
Missy: Do all of you McMurray men keep secrets?

Julian: I can’t blame the guy for wanting to help his family so much.
Valeria: For what it’s worth, I think he really missed you.

Missy: What if I wasn’t enough?
Tuff: Missy, no matter what the truth is, you are enough. We’re all here for you all the time. Whatever you need.

Hank: Look, Bel, parenting is never easy, and I don’t like to stick my nose in where it’s not welcome.
Isobel: Yes, you do.
Hank: Fine. I think the McMurray family isn’t done winning buckles.

Julian: Sounds like a date.
Tuff: That’s because it is.

Ride Season 1 Quotes

Missy: It’s your first official ride. All I’m saying is you've got to make sure you’re doing it for you and not for them.
Cash: You know, around here, there’s no difference.

Austin: First time I see you in years, and here you are trash-talking me to my wife.
Cash: Austin, it’s not like that.