Valeria: How long are going to dance around this?
Cash: I’m not dancing.

Gus: You have commitment issues.
Cash: Commitment issues? Maybe she just wants to make sure she finds the right person.

Tuff: So, what are you suggesting that I confront her? Because the last time I did that, I got into trouble with my boyfriend.
Julian: Boyfriend?
Tuff: That okay, or is that going to be a problem?
Julian: It’s about damm time! Because I’ve come to realize my boyfriend’s priority is protecting the people he loves, so if it’s coming from that place…

Cash: You don’t even see her.
Austin: I see her, Cash. I see how much she knows about bull riding. She is my muse, brother.
Cash: She’s just a prize for you, Austin. She’s just a pretty girl for you to hang onto your arm. You don’t love her the way she deserves to be loved.
Austin: And you do?

I never gave Cash a second look because a part of me always thought he was into you.


Gus: Guys like that get under my skin.
Tuff: I know what you mean.

We got your back. It’ll be okay.


Valeria: Gus would have picked you to be his plus one anywhere. But I love that a 7-year-old picked this as the venue.
Missy: Right. If we can pull this off, we could be the number-one wedding venue in all of Colorado.

Gus: I haven’t been in a fight since boarding school.
Cash: It shows.

Even if today’s not perfect, it’s just a wedding. It doesn’t define marriage. Marriage is your life’s journey together.


Cash: I don’t know how to be okay. You don’t what I saw over there, Mom. I saw people die, people with families. I got to do something.
Isobel: It’ll always be hard for me to trust that you riding bulls will be okay.

Missy: Austin cheated.
Cash: Huh? But Polly said…
Missy: Not on me. He cheated at bull riding.

Ride Season 1 Quotes

Missy: It’s your first official ride. All I’m saying is you've got to make sure you’re doing it for you and not for them.
Cash: You know, around here, there’s no difference.

Austin: First time I see you in years, and here you are trash-talking me to my wife.
Cash: Austin, it’s not like that.