Charles: Spoiler alert!
Mabel: No, not the correct usage of that whatsoever.
Charles: Plot twist?
Mabel: Still not.

Tobert: Honestly, it's really tough to stay in contact with anybody when you're constantly travelling. Yeah, And if you don't have a partner to ground you, put down roots...
Mabel: Is that something you want?
Tobert: I think about it.

Loretta: I love that little snort you do.
Oliver: You do?
Loretta: Yeah, I do. You're like an adorable little piglet.

Loretta: Family tradition. When I was a girl, whenever I'd lost a tooth, my mom'd take me out on the Mississippi River on the ferry boat and when we got underneath the bridge we'd throw the tooth overboard and make a wish.
Oliver: The tooth fairy can swim? Tooth fairy... tooth ferry. Yeah. OK, OK, now I get it.
Loretta: It's really corny.

I always wanted to be friends with the president, but this one's an asshole. You think I don't see what you're doing? You're slimy, thin terrorist. I do not tolerate bullies here in solitary, POTUS.


Oliver: It's been a while since I dipped my quill in a woman's ink pot. Any new rules I should know about?
Mabel: Please don't make me take the next one.

The white room is a stage thing. In TV, if you screw up, you get another take. In theater, there's no net. You blank out, that's it. You're a polar bear in a global warming documentary, hanging on to a tiny piece of ice in the middle of the sea, waiting to die.


Oliver: Kimber's one of the few cast members who can actually sing.
Charles: I take offense to that.
Oliver: That was my intention.

I'll look out for you, Charlie. Just like I did with Ben Glenroy. He knew if he touched one hair on your gorgeous little head, he was going to have to deal with me.


Mabel: Hey, Mama. Yeah, we're like uh .. yass and work and slay and yass, over here, like, yeah.
Kimber: Yes, Queens!

You know, it's amazing the amount of steaming horseshit you can feed the American public if you tell them it's organic?




Only Murders In the Building Season 3 Quotes

Howard: We thank you for your attention. Brief anecdote. I remember when I auditioned for Mr. Oliver Putnam for this very play.
Oliver: True.
Howard: Do you remember what you said to me, Oliver?
Oliver: I sure do, I said. How about you be my assistant instead?
Howard: That's right. Word for word.

Charles: I know you're nervous. I know your last Broadway show was a disaster. Everyone knows that. The world knows it.
Mabel: Fast forward, fast forward.
Charles: But you, sir, are a talented young man. You have a gift for leadership. And when you ask me to join this production.
Oliver: Hold, please. I asked you?