Henry: Hey, well you will be happy to know, that things with Jacinda went pretty well.
Regina: Guess we'll just have to see where that goes, won't we?

Princess, enchende? A tip of the hat from Dr. Facilier.


The Princess is here to see me, not you lot. That's right. Scurry off, unless you'd rather slither or hop.


Queen: We have no choice, Tiana. We may have to sell the castle.
Tiana: I thought my life would be filled with romance.

Can we have security, please? We have a trash problem.


I didn't order a Swyft.


Ivy: Trick or treat.
Henry: What's this?
Ivy: Something better than the cheap anti-freeze you're drinking. It's a gift, for helping me put me first for once and for listening to my side of the story. No one ever does that.
Henry: I know it's not going to be easy to stand up to your mother.
Ivy: Yep, now you are going to drink with me until I'm ready to face her. So, what happened to Lucy and Jacinda? I thought you would be out getting adult-onset diabetes.
Henry: I guess you're braver than I am.
Ivy: Couldn't take a chance and do the scary thing after all, huh?
Henry: It's complicated.
Ivy: Well, to keeping things uncomplicated.

Weaver: I hear you have a troubled girl in your custody and ... you let her go.
Victoria: Well, you'll be happy to hear that Tilly's back on her pills. Didn't seem like such a public menace anymore, so yeah, I let her go.
Weaver: You seem to be forgetting about those tapes.
Victoria: Oh, no, I remember. Quite clearly. But it appears that I've found something much bigger than what's on those tapes ... dearie.

Tiana: Hey there, I'm Tiana.
Cinderella: Cinderella.

Guard: Come with me now, murderer.
Cinderella: No, it's a lie. I did nothing.
Guard: Just what a murderer would say.

Sacrifice that boy or you sacrifice everyone.


Tremaine: Kill me now.
Cinderella: Oh, I'll get to that.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
