Fairytales are real, but you don't know the whole story.


Victoria: How is the search for The Guardian going? I have all the information you've long sought. You help me today... and I'll gladly share it with you. Rumplestiltskin.
Weaver: I'd say ... you've got yourself a deal. Rapunzel.

The women from that Netflix show look better in orange.


Victoria: I've missed our talks, detective.
Weaver: Did you enjoy the one with your daughter?
Victoria: To be honest, not since she was four. I only agreed to meet with her because I knew it would afford me the chance to speak with you.
Weaver:Oh, well I am flattered. But, given your ... current situation, you don't have very much to offer.
Victoria: How could i forget your skillset always comes with a price?

Goleth: You have found Anastasia?
Drizella: She was enjoying the magnificent lake views at my mother's vacation home. So predictable.

Jacinda: Remy? What happened to the catering company?
Remy: Oh, business is slow. I'm temping here while Roni's out.
Jacinda: Where did she go?
Remy: California... I think.

Henry: Rogers called. He found her... Eloise Gardener. Your stepmother's been arrested.
Regina: Wait, Belfrey's going to jail?

You stupid child. You have no idea what you just let crawl out into this world. But you will find out, yes you will. You will find out.


Victoria: Stop pretending. I know you're awake.
Drizella: You always did underestimate me. I knew detective Rogers was obsessed with this Eloise Gardener case, so I poisoned the only person he knew was connected to it. Rogers did the rest of the work himself.
Victoria: Why did you do this, Drizella?
Drizella: So I could finally be free of you. And now she's free of you too, and you're the prisoner.

We'll see if Regina is as powerful as she thinks she is.


Regina Mills adopted Henry Mills in the real world.


Regina: You know, uh, I was thinking maybe it would help if she knew a little more about you. You know, like, who your mother is.
Henry: I haven't told her this because I did not want to add fuel to the fire, but I was born in prison, just like my character. Except I was never adopted, I grew up in the system.
Regina: Like Emma did.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
