I just don't want my life or my death to be arbitrary.


Max: How do we just accept that her death that anyone's death is random? Life, death, it can't be arbitrary.
Floyd: It's not.
Max: I just thought maybe it was something we missed. Maybe it was something we could've done differently. I could have done something differently.

If you clip that, she'll never walk again. Imagine that review.


Helen: Max's cancer is not responding to chem or radiation.
Floyd: How bad?
Helen: It's bad.
Floyd: When did he find out?
Helen: Staunton told him this morning.

My job is to give you the tools to get through the day. That's it.


Avi: Thank you for you know trying to fix me. I'm sorry I let you down.
Iggy: You never let me down.

Helen: Do you want to tell me what this is really about.
Max: You aren't my doctor remember?

No! In what world would you think I'd stick around for this?


Evie: There was a police officer that died on your table under your knife. You know that they're going to be looking for someone to blame. I hate to say it, but it sure feels like Max is trying to make sure that person is you.
Max: Dr. Reynolds, are you actually ready?

No one is ruining your life, Avi. I don't think anyone has that power.


Max: Sorry, you know you're not my doctor anymore right.
Helen: Yes, but I'm still a friend.

Angelo: Marie didn't have any family. She'd want you to get this.
Leon: Why would you do that for me?
Angelo: We take care of our own.

New Amsterdam Season 1 Quotes

Max: You were bloody magnificent last night. I just said bloody.
Helen: I can think of a better word under the circumstances.

Iggy: Hey, are those facts or those feelings?
Jemma: Feelings.
Iggy: Right. They're feelings, so why don't we try sticking to the facts.