Helen: You are dying Max.
Max: This may be one of the last things I do.

Helen: Thank you.
Iggy: For what?
Helen: Being you.
Iggy: I'm not sure that's a good thing anymore.

Reynolds: It's good to have you back.
Bloom: Back?
Reynolds: Yeah, you're back, aren't you?
Bloom: I was actually thinking about asking Max to extend my leave.
Reynolds: For how long?
Bloom: Forever.

  • Permalink: Forever.
  • Added:

Lady: Is this the hill you want to die on?
Max: Despite all appearances, I am not dying any time soon.

If I'm not there for my patients when they need me the most, what am I doing here?


I gotta hand it to you, boss. You have outdone yourself this time.


Helen: Have you ever hugged or touched a patient without invitation?
Iggy: Yes.
Helen: And you understand that that is outside the bounds of a normal, therapeutic relationship?
Iggy: Yes.

Iggy: I have always tried to give the best care possible.
Helen: Your intentions aren't in question.
Iggy: Oh. Good.
Helen: Your methods are.

I just didn't think that feeling this good would feel this bad.


Can we start tonight? I want to keep fighting. Ending be damned.


DDC is the equivalent of napalming your internal organs.


Helen: Hey.
Max: I know what you're going to say.
Helen: I like your hat.

New Amsterdam Season 1 Quotes

Max: You were bloody magnificent last night. I just said bloody.
Helen: I can think of a better word under the circumstances.

Iggy: Hey, are those facts or those feelings?
Jemma: Feelings.
Iggy: Right. They're feelings, so why don't we try sticking to the facts.