Gibbs: Hey, doc.
Ducky: Jethro. Going on a trip?
Gibbs: Yeah, Alaska.
Ducky: Fishing or business?
Gibbs: Hopefully both.

I'm not going back.


Gibbs: Yeah, Gibbs.
Kasey: We found Libby's article and it claimed Sonova's own internal environmental impact report said the mine would have quote unavoidable catastrophic consequences to the water and surrounding animal life.

Jimmy: You spoke with Gibbs? How is he holding up? I've been worried about him.
Ducky: As have I, that's why I paid him a visit.

He's a psychopath.


Gibbs: It wasn't a kill shot.
Alden: You could have killed him.

What? Gibbs is missing again? We need to get that man a bell around his neck.


We're one and the same.


Put me in, Coach! Boy, sound really travels in here.

Jessica [to McGee]

Bishop: You disappeared, Gibbs, without a word.
Gibbs: Sometimes there's nothing left to be said

Gibbs: How do you use this?
Kasie: It's completely idiot-proof. ... But a quick overview never hurts.

Marcie: If it makes you feel any better, the boat's not done yet.
Gibbs: What?
Marcie: It's bad luck to launch a boat without a name.

NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
