It’s nice to hear Nancy shared happy memories of her mom. Sometimes I worry she only remembers the sad ones. I wish you could have known Kate. She was so much fun.


Carson: I want to remember Kate. Celebrate her. Nancy, she just wants her mom back.
Ryan: Your grief matters too, man. It’s okay to celebrate Kate.
Carson: I do. In little ways, every day, I do. Do I prioritize Nancy’s grieving over mine? Yeah, probably. But that’s being a parent.

Nick: And if given the chance, I would be honored to serve on town council.
Bess: Go with proud, not honored. You’re Grimm Slaying Nick. You should be confident.

Nancy: I looked everywhere. There are no black doors in town hall.
Ryan: Well, maybe the spirit of the dead guy wasn’t the most reliable source.

Game on, you supernatural prudes.


Ace: Well, this is a mess.
Nancy: The Claw or us?

From what I can see, the supernatural ruins every relationship it touches.


Safe in the graveyard? When have we ever been safe in the graveyard?


Why is it we can make a decisive plan about how to battle ancient Grimms, but we fall apart when it comes to our relationships?

Ryan: Because I know that you were involved in a hit-and-run accident in 2009.
Chief: That was my neighbor's cat, but nice try.

Nick: I did some digging. This isn't the first 80's toy with haunted qualities. Deadly one-of-a-kind kids' objects, each with supernatural entities tethered to them, were snuck onto shelves all over New England. The mystery remains unsolved.
Nancy: It's like when bottles of pain killer were laced with cyanide in Chicago in 1982. People died.
George: Some nut laced toys with evil. That's what we're up against?

Jade: You been up to anything exciting?
Nick: I did help a friend with a spider situation.
Jade: You do spiders? I will take out every fly in your orbit if I never have to face another arachnid.

Nancy Drew Season 4 Quotes

I’m talking about Chunky, the ferret. Once I find the Velez family’s beloved MIA weasel, I can finally pay my overdue electric bill and make a dent in the property tax.


Nancy: Aren’t you going to be late for work?
Ryan: No, I’m a small business consultant now. I go in at like a soft 10 am.