It is not for this court nor the ADA to determine who has access to supernatural teachings. I am rejecting the plea deal because it is a lie. The supernatural is not a threat to children despite what the prosecution has worked endlessly to make this court believe. When it is used correctly, it can heal and even save lives. You want to know what is the threat. The lie that we turned into history. For too long, this town has erased the truth of its own sins. But that lie ends today.


Nancy: I can’t believe you had time to think about this in the middle of everything else that’s going on.
Bess: Hey, once a Keeper, always a Keeper.

I put this together in four hours, so manage your expectations.


A new job is no excuse for neglecting one's girlfriend.


Do these pearls say not guilty?


After everything got so complicated with Ace, what I like about Tristan is how very uncomplicated he is.

Even if it hurts, we’re just better together.


Nick: Scary or not. Intrusive or not. Annoying or not. We are a family, and we are always here for you.
Nancy: I know you are.

I’ve never really relied on anyone before outside of my parents. And then you all came around, and we made this other little family. It scares me because it’s been a year today since I lost my mom, and I don’t think I would survive losing another person that I love.

It tracks that the creepy colonizers who murdered Odette would have a corpse lady tied to their ship.


Ace: I know what you lost a year ago today. I just wanted to be here for you in case you needed anything.
Nancy: Thank you. I mean it.

Hey, I can reach tall things again.


Nancy Drew Season 4 Quotes

I’m talking about Chunky, the ferret. Once I find the Velez family’s beloved MIA weasel, I can finally pay my overdue electric bill and make a dent in the property tax.


Nancy: Aren’t you going to be late for work?
Ryan: No, I’m a small business consultant now. I go in at like a soft 10 am.