Nick: Tiffany's records let me to those coins. She wanted me to find them.
Nancy: I believe you. But those coins will not help solve Tiffany's murder and they're my only shot at getting answers about Lucy. I'm sorry.
George: Chin up, Sparky. At least she said, "I'm sorry."

Turn that down! Your sister's fighting off a ghost!


Nick: Nancy won't give up on finding out what happened. And neither will I. I don't want to ask you to go, but I can't let George die. I'll stay with you. I'll stay with you 'till the end.
Tiffany: Keep Laura safe.
Nick: I promise you, I will.

Bad news, Tiffany doesn't like you. The good news is Tiffany's dead! So...I'm sorry Nick. The other bad news is that Tiffany's spirit has been hitching a ride in your body. Intermittently.


Bess filled me in on what you guys did at the funeral. We're platanchors now, so she tells me things.


Ace: What else could it be?
Bess: I don't know. Maybe something supernatural?
Nancy: Right, because that's the go-to explanation.

Help me! It came out of the vent.


I thought if ghosts exist you would come to me. Why haven't you? Am I not enough to keep you here? Because I really need you.

I was trying to honor your mom's wishes. I thought I was doing the right thing, but maybe I wasn't. Whatever you're can carry it with you, but you can't let it consume you.


I wasn't with mom when she died. I didn't get to see what she was going through or what she was feeling. I was in a gym dancing with my friends. I had my phone. You could have called. But instead, you made me believe everything was okay. But I never got to say goodbye because of you.

How convenient for you. To have a daughter and a dead wife to blame your selling out on.

I was the other woman. What I did to Tiffany was wrong. I mean, the least I can do is help her find some peace in the afterlife.


Nancy Drew Season 1 Quotes

Nancy: Nick and I are seeing each other. He seems to have an issue with me not acknowledging this publicly and has decided now is the time to rectify this.
Nick: Consider it rectified. I feel much better.

Carson: I've just been buried at work.
Nancy: Poor word choice, given recent events.