Nancy: I don't need a bodyguard.
Carson: How about a father?

Nancy: You don't owe me anything. Especially now.
Nick: Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean I don't care about what you're going through.
Nancy: I'm not going through anything.

Nancy: You're growing on me.
Owen: Then the day's not a total loss.

Ted has been kidnapped.

If it was a Hudson...I was scared of what they'd do to us.


For a dirty cop, you clean up too thoroughly.

Nancy: Bess, can you unlock this, please?
Bess: What makes you think I know his passcode?
Nancy: You two are that kind of close.

George: What are you doing?
Nancy: Last time we talked, Ace and I had a difficult conversation.
George: About what?
Nancy: He felt like he was letting us down, and he wanted to prove something. Trying to figure out if Laura was connected to Tiffany's death. That's why he was with her.

Nick: Why is she being so-
George: Relentless? Single-minded? Nick, that's who Nancy is.

Owen: Have dinner with me.
Nancy: Owen, I'm not available. My heart belongs to a certain mechanic with very good cheekbones.
Owen: He's a lucky guy.

Nancy: How did they handle it?
Ryan: The same way they handled everything back then. Carson Drew.

George: As long as I've known her she's always had this big walls up. You can stand next to her and never get close.
Nick: I thought I did.

Nancy Drew Season 1 Quotes

Nancy: Nick and I are seeing each other. He seems to have an issue with me not acknowledging this publicly and has decided now is the time to rectify this.
Nick: Consider it rectified. I feel much better.

Carson: I've just been buried at work.
Nancy: Poor word choice, given recent events.