Miguel: I told you if I ever saw you again, I'd kill you.
Felipe: I thought you'd want this.

Emily: Do you remember when we were last here? You thought you weren't getting in.
EZ: I know.

Man: Hi Miguel.
Miguel: This is for Tomas.

He pissed on Tito's head after attacking him.


You're the birthday boy.


This is your nephew.
E.Z. I'm an uncle?


You brought us weapons that look like they're from the cold war.


E.Z.: Did you forget what day it is?
Angel: What?
E.Z.: Does anything specific happen on this day every year?

Felipe: You need to tell him.
Adelita: I will.
Felipe: He'll find out sooner or later.

Mayans M.C. Season 5 Quotes

Felipe: You need to tell him.
Adelita: I will.
Felipe: He'll find out sooner or later.

E.Z.: Did you forget what day it is?
Angel: What?
E.Z.: Does anything specific happen on this day every year?