Do you trust me?


Get in the truck. Leave your gun.


We won't be leaving here until someone's dead.


Creeper: I look forward to telling everyone about you, rat.
E.Z.: I'm sorry, brother.

I'll do this for my people. And my people only.


Kate: It's Ezekiel Reyes.
Creeper: Yeah, right.
Kate: I'm being serious. I looked through everything.
Creeper: C-O. Get me out of here.
Kate: I did this for you. I lost my job for you.

One of our brothers has been working with the Feds. We have a rat.


Sofia: Why would you do that?
E.Z.: I'm sorry.

E.Z. We are in a war we have to win.

This is the inner circle. No secrets.


EZ: We could make them work for us.
Angel: But it won't work out like that. We need to watch what we'redoing.

Lady: I'll stay with her.
Emily: I'm good.
Lady: I'll stay.

Mayans M.C. Season 5 Quotes

Felipe: You need to tell him.
Adelita: I will.
Felipe: He'll find out sooner or later.

E.Z.: Did you forget what day it is?
Angel: What?
E.Z.: Does anything specific happen on this day every year?