Helen: You look nice. Where ya goin'?
Mare: I have a date.
Helen: No shit?

  • Permalink: No shit?
  • Added:

Mare: Just so we're all clear, was it you on the phone with Erin or Christ himself?
Deacon Mark: That was me, detective.

You lied to me the other night. Erin McMenamin? You said you never really talked to her? That was a lie.

Colin: Are you friends with these people?
Mare: Yeah.
Colin: Should we maybe do this outside, away from the staff and guests watching?
Mare: She beat the shit out of Erin in a forest full of kids. Let 'em watch.

Jess: There's something I want to tell you about Erin.
Lori: So, what is it?
Jess: Dylan isn't the baby's real father.
Lori: So why come here instead of going straight to the police?
Jess: Well, Erin wouldn't tell me who the real father was, but, but I think it's Frank Sheehan.

Mare: You need to walk out of here and go home.
Tony: I don't know what you're talkin' about. I'm just buyin' milk.
Mare: Your daughter beat the shit out of a girl WHO WOUND UP DEAD IN A CREEK! WHAT PART OF THAT DON'T YOU FUCKIN' UNDERSTAND?! You can keep goin' down this road, but you're not going to like how it ends.
Dawn: Leave her alone, Tony.
Tony: What the hell you defendin' her for? What has she ever done for you, Dawn? Or Katie?
Mare: Thank you, Dawn.

Have a good night, Mare! [to himself] Good night- Mare. You should have a good nightmare? [embarrassed]


You're a bitch, you know that? No wonder your son fuckin' killed himself.


Hey, are we carpoolin'? I'm happy to drive myself, I'm just. You gotta give me the address.


Mare: Since when is he a fuckin' cook?
Danny: He just needed a good woman to bring out the best in him. [laughter]

Goodnight, Lady Hawk.


Mare: I'd only say this to you, Lor. We're never gonna find her, never. She's a needle in a thousand fuckin' haystacks.
Lori: Yeah, I would keep that to yourself.

Mare of Easttown Season 1 Quotes

Mare: Since when is he a fuckin' cook?
Danny: He just needed a good woman to bring out the best in him. [laughter]

Mare: Did ya get down on one knee? Because you skipped that part when we got engaged.
Frank: Yeah, well, I was 20 Mare. I didn't do a lot of things right.