Mare: I gotta get my shit together, Richard. I can't do this.
Richard: I tell you what. How about when you feel ready, if you feel ready, you give me a call and ask me out, OK?
Mare: How do I know you won't be spoken for by then?
Richard: Well, you don't. But you know, I'm 52 years old and I'm livin' in Easttown, so I'd say your odds are pretty good.

I can hold my breath forever, mom!


Mare: We have to give her a chance to be his mother, Frank.
Frank: Since when did you get so philosophical about all this?
Mare: I don't know. Maybe I'm just gettin' old.

Dan: We need to call the police.
Mark: No, Dan. Wait. I was with Erin the night she was killed.
Dan: With her. [Mark nods] But you told me that you only spoke to her on the phone.
Mark: She called, upset. I said I'd go pick her up, so I drove to Sharp's Woods and then I put her bike in my trunk. And then I was going to drive her home, that's all. But then she got a message from someone asking her to go out to Brandywine Park, and um, she said, she said that she wanted me to drive her there, so I said OK, I'd drive her there. I tried, I tried to convince her to go home, but she was, I mean, she was hysterical, just hysterical. Then she, um, she stormed off.

Mare: Hey, I'm sorry about the other night.
Colin: You don't have anything to be sorry about, Mare. Just be honest about how you feel.
Mare: I just can't do all that.
Colin: All of what?
Mare: What you want.
Colin: How do you know what I want?
Mare: My life's a shit show, Zabel. I'm about to lose custody of my grandson, and I'm still workin' through unresolved issues from the son who killed himself. And, uh, my ex-husband basically lives in my backyard, so, you're right, I don't know what you want, but I'm sure it's not that.

Carrie: Why you helpin' me?
Helen: It's purely selfish, dear. I'm afraid you'll get custody and you'll cut all of us out of his life, and I can't bear to lose another one.

Brianna: You know, there are things from that night. When I woke up, you weren't in bed.
Dylan: I was probably in the den feeding DJ.
Brianna: No, you weren't out in the den.
Dylan: Then I was probably out here smoking.
Brianna: You weren't out here smoking, either. Dylan, I walked around the whole house and you weren't anywhere. Where'd you go, Dylan?
Brianna: You should probably leave. Get the fuck out of here, now.

Mare: Why'd ya do it?
Colin: I don't fuckin' know. I think I really just wanted to do something great for once in my life.
Mare: If it makes you feel any better, I hid drugs on my grandson's mother. That's why they put me on leave.
Colin: You serious? Holy shit!
Mare: Doin' something great is overrated because then people expect that from you all the time. What they don't realize is that you're just as screwed up as they are.

You know what my mom said to me when I was leavin' to pick you up? She said, "Mare's only goin' out with you because she wants to stick close to the case." [silence] This is the part where you tell me she was wrong.


My God, Marianne. I don't even know what the hell to say. Oh, wait. It just came to me. That was stupid! Goddamned idiotic! You're a complete smack the ass for doin' that!


Mom, this is my Mare. My PARTNER, Mare. Detective Mare Sheehan. This is my mom, Judy.


Mare: Mom, we're having a family meeting.
Helen: What the hell's a family meeting?

Mare of Easttown Season 1 Quotes

Mare: Since when is he a fuckin' cook?
Danny: He just needed a good woman to bring out the best in him. [laughter]

Mare: Did ya get down on one knee? Because you skipped that part when we got engaged.
Frank: Yeah, well, I was 20 Mare. I didn't do a lot of things right.