Cosgrove: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
Shaw: Tell me how you really feel.
Cosgrove: Did you see that fancy schmancy suit and that $10,000 watch? He's bleeding that congregation dry!

It's been a minute since I've been an altar boy, but why would Emily think career advice is in your [Pastor Butler's] purview?


Shaw: We heard you two were dating.
Bobby: We did for a few months.
Cosgrove: How's that going?
Bobby: We had our ups and downs.
Shaw: Let's talk about the downs, like you threatening to kill her.

Shaw: Cell phone's still here, wallet, credit cards, money.
Cosgrove: Doesn't look like anyone tossed the place inside. Jewelry's still on the nightstand.
Shaw: So it's not a robbery, not an assault. Double taps to the chest. Starting to feel like an execution. The question is, why?
Cosgrove: Sad. Seems like she was going places, too.
Shaw: Too bad she'll never get there now.

Cop: It looks like it all went down outside.
Shaw: Cameras?
Cop: Off-campus housing, security is pretty lax.

Don't be foolish. This is not the virtual world. It's the real world. If you don't testify, I am going to prosecute you for manslaughter.


Wheeler: Be sure you film all this. Ow, ow, you're breaking my wrist. Tag the detectives in the post.
Cosgrove: You know, you have the right to remain silent. You might want to start using it.

Hey, Jason isn't a bad guy. I was a young punk when he brought me to the house. He made me famous.


Price: I've done the legal analysis. Max Brewer is responsible for the death of Eli Baron.
Maroun: I agree. But so is Jason Wheeler.
Price: In what way?
Maroun: Max's parents live in Florida. They've handed their teen over to this social media manager who exerts tremendous influence over him.
Price: Sounds like bad parenting. Doesn't make any of them liable for homicide.

Cosgrove: A fourteen-year-old is dead because of an attention grab?
Shaw: An attention grab that is also a felony.

Dixon: What is he talking about, everyone goes through phases?
Shaw: He's doing Holden Caufield, Catcher in the Rye.
Cosgrove: Ooh fancy. I wasn't much of a reader, did the whole Cliff Notes thing, except for Lord of the Flies.
Dixon: I'm not surprised.

Sean: I am not a pedophile!
Cosgrove: A fourteen-year-old boy is dead, a mother is without her child, and you want to play games?

Law & Order Season 22 Quotes

Price: The evidence on Ava's phone at least shows that Rublov was involved in the bombing and the murders.
Sam: And was a rapist and a pedophile.
Price: That too.

Andre: I don't know. I was trying to mind my own business.
Stabler: People who mind their own business go to prison.