Woman: I have always cared about your happiness.
Man: Then why do I feel like an eel who is floundering around the bottom of a boat and is drowning.

[Bars are] the place where men meet women and women meet the person most l likely to murder them.


Benson: Your brother is way too good at this.
Muncy: He just knows how to code-switch.
Velasco: He's fluent in meathead.

Bruno: You know what the secret to life is?
Churlish: No, why don't you explain it to me?
Bruno: The secret to life is coming to peace with the fact that we're all going to die. But in the meantime, we have to live, so come out with me for an hour and then you can come back here and rearrange your pens.

Velasco: I've been making progress on that guy we talked about.
Benson: Your friend who murdered some people?
Velasco: Yeah, Chili. Nothing solid yet, but I have some leads.
Benson: How hard you been trying?

Churlish: The way McGrath tells it, I have 30 days. 3-0.
Benson: To do what?
Churlish: To impress you.

Muncy: Why did you get divorced?
Abby: I thought he'd change. He thought I wouldn't.

I survived losing my husband. I can survive losing my best friend. But I will not lose this trial.


Jenna: Love is messy. Sometimes it means commitment to someone who can't take care of themselves.
Muncy: Yeah, commitment, not sexual assault.

Zoe: I didn't know it was her. I feel so stupid.
Benson: It's called willful blindness. I've had more than my share.

Jenna: I feel bad. I was the one who pushed Zoe to get back on the market. My marriage is pretty boring. I wanted to live vicariously through her.
Benson: Life is a strange mix of beauty and pain and we can't control how it unfolds for the people we love.

Muncy: Captain, I noticed that Velasco's motorcycle isn't parked outside for the third day in a row.
Benson: Great work, detective, but I told you that Velasco is taking a few days off.