Darlene: The realtor won't let me show houses by myself anymore.
Benson: It's good that you're taking care of yourself.
Darlene: What else am I gonna do? Stay in the house with the doors locked?

Fin: A rape in a hotel in the middle of Times Square. The place is covered in cameras. This guy isn't too smart.
Benson: Just brazen.
Fin: Makes our jobs easier.
Benson: We haven't caught him yet.

Get an autopsy, stay in touch, and this time make sure your radio stays where it belongs.


Fin: They did a tap dance on your mind. But your mind is yours. No one can take it from you.
Colin: What do I do?
Fin: This Harvard thing, is it fixable?
Colin: I'm on academic probation.'Fin: Go back to it. This heartbreak... you'll get over it. If you live your life right, you're gonna get your heart broken a lot. Get used to it.

Velasco: The RA said Colin was drinking, doing drugs...
Fin: He didn't set a bus on fire. He set his life on fire.

Carisi: Who drops out of Harvard?
Naomi: Don't ask me. I set a bus on fire.

Parker: I know there's no excuse for a teacher having a relationship with a student.
Churlish: A relationship? That's what you're calling it?
Parker: We were her mentors.
Fin: Mentors? You and your wife were using her for threesomes.

Churlish: Should we bring them in before they go back to Albany?
Benson: Let's wait for the rape kit. And then we bring in the whole team, debate or no debate.

Benson: You're a very smart girl, Naomi, and you get top grades. But sometimes things happen that we aren't equipped to deal with.
Naomi: And sometimes a fire is just a fire.

Maxwell: You know, my first husband left me enough to take care of myself. Roger doesn't have much money of his own. I give him a monthly allowance. Tell me, did I do something wrong to cause this?
Benson: Roger made his own choices. You are not to blame.
Maxwell: I wish I had your conviction.

Blumfeld: Is there a promotion in this for you?
Carisi: I've met you a few times, and I don't know you very well, but you don't know me at all.

Maxwell: Are you here to arrest him?
Benson: I'm sorry. But there will be no perp walk and no cuffs. We will do this as discreetly as possible.
Roger: No, no. I'm not going anywhere with you.
Maxwell: Yes you are. You will go quietly and you will keep your mouth shut until -
Roger: Until what, you can find a way to save your own ass?

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
