Fin: That vicarious trauma will get to you. Anything you need from me?
Benson: Not unless you have a psychology degree.

Ray: It would have been so easy to follow the list my wife gave me, instead of screwing up my life.
Fin: You were victimized. I know what happened to you wasn't easy to deal with.
Ray: I didn't want to see the lights of the city. I wanted to be one of them, at least for one night.

Well, they're idiots, but at least they're consistent.


Suspect: Tess said I had a gun?
Carisi: Did you?
Suspect: No. I'm a Democrat.

Eileen: Do you think it's my fault?
Benson: It has been a long day. You must be exhausted.
Eileen: I can't sleep.
Benson: The most important thing right now is you take care of yourself.

Fin: That guy's a bad liar.
Bruno: Maybe he genuinely doesn't remember.
Fin: If this guy is a victim, we're gonna have to prove it... to him.

Fin: We think this building may have been a crime scene.
Manager: Wouldn't be the first time. What do you expect? This is Brooklyn.

Tess: I didn't want to do it. I didn't feel right about it. But then one of the guys, he put a gun to the back of my head... and I did what they told me to.
Benson: Tess, you didn't rape anyone. You were raped.

You'll learn there's more to this job than just wrong or right.


I'm not asking you to trust the system. I'm asking you to trust me.


Benson: Officer Gomez, lower your gun. Put your gun down before some gets hurt.
Gomez: There's right and then there's wrong.
Benson: These are kids. No one is getting shot today.

Benson: Freeze. Right there.
Fin: Nice shirt. Travis Butler, you're under arrest.
Travis: For what?
Fin: You posted a video of it, genius. You practically arrested yourself.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
