Look, we kill her, her husband talks. We keep her with us he keeps his mouth shut. But get her out of here. I don't want to see her no more. She got blood on my new shoes.

Gang leader

Ray: Pleased to meet you, Detective. I've heard so many wonderful things.
Stabler: Sure you're talking to the right guy?

Psychiatrist: Why do you want to go back to work?
Stabler: I have to provide for my family.
Psychiatrist: Let's talk about your family.
Stabler: Let's not.
Psychiatrist: I understand your wife -
Stabler: What do you need to hear from me?

Bell: I'm not taking the job. My place is here with my team.
Lillian: I went out on a limb for you.
Bell: I'm aware, and I will return the favor.
Lillian: You're making a huge mistake.
Bell: No. The mistake was saying 'Yes' in the first place. I'm trying to correct that.

Whalen: You want to tell me how a bunch of mobsters happen to show up at your secret location right after we do?
Silas: I'm telling you, I don't know.
Whalen: This whole thing smells like a set-up. It has from the beginning. So I say we sent Robert here down to them.
Stabler: You are an Organized Crime officer, and we do not negotiate with people like this. Did you fail to understand that when you signed up?

Stabler: You have a bad leg.
Bell: I'm fine.
Stabler: You keep saying that.
Bell: Because I am fine, and I am not leaving a man behind on our last day.

All men must make a choice at some point. Whether to be a good husband and father or good at their career. I made my choice a long time ago. I guess this brain tumor has taught me that being able to put your name on a building isn't enough.


You don't have a lot of time. See this? This is my brain, and this is not supposed to be there. I thought the headaches were stress. Turns out I was supposed to be dead a year ago.


Bell: Another team wants to run point.
Stabler: No way. The Silas case is an OC case.
Bell: OC is ending.
Stabler: Silas reached out to us for a reason. If we don't do this now, we'll lose our chance. It'll be our last case.

Robert Silas has been the most corrupt human being since before I was born. He tried to have his daughter-in-law killed. Now he suddenly wants to do the right thing?


Bell: Lord knows the whole time you were here you were doing things behind my back, so you do you, I guess.
Stabler: I've always done everything for the good of this unit. I never abandoned it.
Bell: Abandoned it? I'm doing this for my family. I'd think of all people, you'd understand that.
Stabler: Yeah, well, we're your family too.

Whalen: Merry Christmas.
Reyes: It's three weeks early!

Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 3 Quotes

Cosgrove: I was with the girl when she got shot. I'm not leaving this.
Shaw: Just to be clear, if you were with the girl, how did she get shot?

Lili: I've done a ton of research already and it's not that big of a deal.
Cosgrove: You're gonna get weird.
Lili: I'm already weird.
Cosgrove: No, you're not. You're perfect. Perfectly weird.
Lili: You can get a great education homeschooling, and I promise I'll still socialize so I won't get weirder. I've got Chloe. She's my best friend.
Cosgrove: It's not gonna happen. Look, I know you're anxious. Your mom told me that after the drill, you -
Lili: It's not just one drill, Dad. We've had three lockdown drills since the school year started. The world is going to crap. It is only a matter of time before some madman walks in my classroom.
Cosgrove: Don't say that. Don't every say that. Jesus. You're 15, Lili, you're staying in school. Look, there's a lot of stuff that's out in the world but the chances of anything bad happening...