If those were really cops in that bar, that means I let a bunch of pigs get the better of me. You think I'm that stupid?


Jet: Put the gun down.
Seamus: Why? So I can help you get Murphy?
Jet: No. Because I care about you. I never lied about that.

Seamus: What's with me lately that I want to trust people?
Jet: It means you're a good man.

You might think I'm enjoying this. You'd be right.


Jet: He doesn't want to do it.
Bell: What? The hit?
Jet: Any of what he's doing. I know what you're both thinking, but a good detective uses every tool at her disposal, and I'm telling you that what I feel about Seamus is right.

Let me tell you something. I chose to keep my job because I love my team and I trust them more than I trust the politics in this office. And when it comes to solving the murder of my former partner, nothing is going to stop me.


Jack! Stay. He's like a statue. Jack always does what I tell him. I expect the same of my crew.


Seamus: I had a thought last night about you.
Jet: Oh yeah?
Seamus: Yeah. You're not who you say you are. You're hiding something from me.

Teddy: You guys want me to risk my life for you, and you want me to do it without protection?
Jet: There's a bar full of cops, morons.

Jet: So what's our plan, if no one's ever gotten in with him before?
Bell: We don't need to get in with him. He's going to want to get in with us.

Deputy Inspector: You have to be really careful right now, Ayanna.
Bell: About what? Going after the truth or exposing you?

Montenaro: So you believe me now?
Bell: I don't believe anything. I want you to look me in the eye and tell me if you killed my partner.

Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 3 Quotes

Cosgrove: I was with the girl when she got shot. I'm not leaving this.
Shaw: Just to be clear, if you were with the girl, how did she get shot?

Lili: I've done a ton of research already and it's not that big of a deal.
Cosgrove: You're gonna get weird.
Lili: I'm already weird.
Cosgrove: No, you're not. You're perfect. Perfectly weird.
Lili: You can get a great education homeschooling, and I promise I'll still socialize so I won't get weirder. I've got Chloe. She's my best friend.
Cosgrove: It's not gonna happen. Look, I know you're anxious. Your mom told me that after the drill, you -
Lili: It's not just one drill, Dad. We've had three lockdown drills since the school year started. The world is going to crap. It is only a matter of time before some madman walks in my classroom.
Cosgrove: Don't say that. Don't every say that. Jesus. You're 15, Lili, you're staying in school. Look, there's a lot of stuff that's out in the world but the chances of anything bad happening...