Stabler: Now that Asher is out of ICU, I'd like to talk to him.
Mrs. Klein: Look, I know my son is troubled. But he is innocent.

Reyes: This is what you've been doing all night? This crap?
Jet: It's supposed to help.
Vargas: What you don't understand, Detective Reyes, that our brains are constantly processing a ton of data without us being aware of it. That's what we call instincts, but the problem is, it's unreliable.

Stabler: Why me?
Officer: Because you know the difference between following the rules and what's right.

Randall: What do you want?
Stabler: Mom wants to see you.
Randall: Really?
Stabler: She's in and out, so don't expect her to recognize you.

Mama Stabler: Who art... what does who art mean? Damn it!
Stabler: What's wrong?
Mama Stabler: What does who art mean?

Stabler: What if the truck isn't just going to the lab?
Bell: The truck is the lab.

I found Espinoza. He used his mom's credit card and is holed up in a crappy motel. It's always the mom's credit card.


Mama Stabler: I don't want to stay here. I refuse to be a burden.
Stabler: What are you talking about? You're surrounded by people who love you. I want you to stay. They want you to stay.
Mama Stabler: I don't want to be passed around like old leftovers.

Bell: You don't have to like it —
Stabler: Good, cause I don't.
Bell: But I'm gonna need you to live with it for a little while. T his thing he built, maybe it could have saved Jamie.

Stabler: Who approved this?
Bell: I did. You think things just stop cause you're not around?

Stabler: How are they doing?
Bell: Jet's sharp edges are more like razor blades. And Reyes is throwing himself into work a little too much. Reminds me of you.

Artificial intelligence in policing isn't the future. It's here.


Law & Order: Organized Crime Quotes

Mob Boss: Why am I here?
Stabler: You know why I'm dressed like this? I just buried my wife.

Criminal: Say I was able to get a message to Mrs. Sinatra. What would I tell her?
Stabler: What happened in Puglisia didn't stay in Puglisia