Sam: Scott, clearly, people haven’t given up on you. They sent you that message from 10,000 BC because they believed in you and were your friends.
Ty: I know it’s hard to see, but we are your friends. You can trust us. Please let us see the message.

Helena: Gavin, I’m your sister.
Gavin: You’re kidding me?
Helena: Half-sister, technically. You’re the only family I have in this world. Our father wasn’t a parent to either of us. What he really cared about was his work.

She might be your family, but after what we’ve been through, I’d call us family, too. Deep down, you know I’d never lead you astray. Please give me the chip and let me bring it back.


Lucas: Dude, I don’t know anything about fire.
Sam: None of us do. It’s completely unpredictable. It takes whoever and whatever it wants.

Scott: Petra’s a really great kid – smart, kind, and all she wanted was to find you. I’d sworn I’d help her, and now she’s gone.
Maya: Which is not your fault. I am going to get my daughter back.

Gavin: Okay, what exactly is this? Who are you?
Woman: I’m the woman you’re going to follow out the back door. Move now!
Gavin: And if I say no?
Woman (pulling a gun): I don’t think you will.

Gavin: I’m not that kind of person.
Helena: You are when it’s the only way to stop something worse from happening.

Gavin: Sam, I think we should go with her.
Sam: Why would we do that?
Gavin: Because that’s Maya Schmidt.

Sophie: What part of I don’t want to talk to you, don’t you understand?
Ty: Soph, wait. Tonight, you’re going to make a mistake you can’t undo unless you make a change.
Sophie: Mistakes are the only thing I’m good at.

He's fair, honest, and wants what’s best for everyone. That’s the kind of person you should want on your council.


Everyone in this room needs someone that gives a damn because none of us can do it on our own.


I can’t explain the gaps in your memory, and I understand why this is frightening, but if you explore this with us, it will be worth it. The lives of the people you love depend on this.


La Brea Season 3 Quotes

Ty: They’re destroying everything.
Izzy: Should we run?
Gavin: No, it’s too dangerous, and we’re too exposed.

Gavin: Iz, I’m not going to give up. I’m going to bring your mom back.
Izzy: You’ve been saying stuff like that since the beginning. All those promises. Look at where we are.