Leyla: It’s really nice having someone who cares. You do feel that way, don’t you?
Izzy: I do.
Leyla: I thought so.

Eat your heart out, Michael Crighton.


Scott: Honestly, I don’t know how we’re going to integrate with these people.
Veronica: You can start by not saying these people.

Look at that. What the hell is going on?


Gavin: Will you stop? You’ve caused enough problems today. Try not to make it worse.
Sam: I was trying to get to my daughter!
Gavin: Now I can’t get to mine. That turned out great, didn’t it?

Yeah, I have issues. I just lost my mother and my brother, and today, your mother locked up my dad. Back home, I was as lost and misunderstood as anyone else, but at least I had people to talk to. Here, all we have time to do is survive.


Sam: Who the hell are you?
Ty: I’m your friend, just like the many friends we need to try and get back. I can’t do that on my own.

Scott: I never imagined myself holding a dino egg. Why isn’t there a camera when you need one?
Gavin: Hey, we can make a TikTok later. Put it in the bag, and let’s go.

Gavin: Iz, I’m not going to give up. I’m going to bring your mom back.
Izzy: You’ve been saying stuff like that since the beginning. All those promises. Look at where we are.

The clearing as we know it is gone.


Josh, you’re not going through! We do this together!


Ty: I know his actions affected all of us.
Gavin: That’s an understatement.
Ty: When it comes to helping your wife, he’s your best shot. I believe he’s still your friend.

La Brea Season 3 Quotes

Ty: They’re destroying everything.
Izzy: Should we run?
Gavin: No, it’s too dangerous, and we’re too exposed.

Gavin: Iz, I’m not going to give up. I’m going to bring your mom back.
Izzy: You’ve been saying stuff like that since the beginning. All those promises. Look at where we are.