Kim: I just can’t believe we’re all here.
Frank: All because of a girl who never gave up on a kid she never knew.

Izzy: Wait, so Richie knew that Sam was in prison and didn’t tell anyone they had the wrong guy?
Matt: You don’t know that. He was in a different country, and it was a local story.
Bridget: Yeah, things were different before the internet. News was harder to spread.

I feel like I’ve been running my whole life, even when I was standing still.


We’re pretty unstoppable.

Trip [to Hilde]

Grant: While this is very sweet, you have proof of nothing. You have no support. You have no case.
Sam: I think you’ve got a case because now you’ve got an eye witness.
Grant: Who are you?
Richie: I’m Richie Fife.

Bridget: What we need more than anything is plaintiffs, a lot more. Class actions only work when hundreds of people accuse a company of wrongdoing.
Izzy: What, so hundreds of people have to get hurt before anyone believes them? That’s so messed up.

Everybody wishes they had more time, but these people should have had it.


When I read your articles, I knew I had to come back.

Richie [to Hilde]

We’re young, but we’re not stupid, and we’re paying attention.


If there’s anything Hilde has taught me in her insane backward way, it’s that we can’t wait for the adults to do something.


I understand why your sister wanted to publish her story, but Strata built this community, and it’s hard for a lot of us watching your family drag their name through the mud.

Ethan’s Mom

He loved this town. This town poisoned him, Bridge. This town took away my dad when I was a kid, and this town has taken him away from me again.


Home Before Dark Season 2 Quotes

You know, you cover enough stories you stop believing in magic.


Bridget: She never even used to blink when something scary happened in New York. I used to think she was like a sociopath or something. I’m serious.
Matt: Look, she was younger then. I think maybe she understood less.