Your life was the biggest.


We’re young, but we’re not stupid, and we’re paying attention.


If there’s anything Hilde has taught me in her insane backward way, it’s that we can’t wait for the adults to do something.


I’m just an old man from a small town who sold bikes, lived at the same address for 40 years. I thought my life was small. I thought, except for you guys, my family, maybe I didn’t matter all that much. But you showed me there’s no such thing as a small life because if my story can help someone else, well, then it matters. So keep going, Hilde. Keep telling your story.


Hilde: I think they’re really mad at me.
Bridget: Did you apologize to them for what happened at the Sheriff’s department?
Matt: Yeah, I mean, that must have been scary for those guys.
Bridget: Yeah, they don’t have a dad who’s been arrested three times.

Donny: Do criminals go to college?
Spoon: Probably not, Donny. Probably not.
Kim: You are not criminals. You just made a mistake. People make mistakes. You know, if I learned anything from how people treated me after what happened with my Mom, it’s that just because people say things about you doesn’t make them true. You three, what you have, that’s what really counts.

Hilde: No story is worth losing you guys as friends. I want to find some way to make it right.
Donny: You will. We will.
Spoon: Together. Come on, this calls for a group hug.

Matt: It turns out your company was using those chemicals for what? Two decades?
Bridget: Was it even longer than that?
Grant: They didn’t know they were dangerous back then. It was just the way things were done. That’s no reason to scare people away from Erie Harbor now, is it? Tank real estate prices. Cut jobs. I don’t think the town would thank you for that.
Matt: I’m sorry, is that supposed to be some kind of a threat?
Grant: It doesn’t have to be. It could be a choice. You’re her parents. You need to get control of your daughter.

Hilde: I owe you an apology.
Ginny: For what?
Hilde: When you were trying to tell me something, and I kept ignoring you. I thought what I was doing was more important, like I knew better. People do that to me all the time, and I hate it. I promise I will never do that to you again.

Matt: Sweetie, if cadmium is the reason Pop Pop got sick, I don’t think we can reverse that.
Hilde: Then I want them to pay.

I don’t want you to stop asking questions and looking for the truth, but you did something illegal, and like it or not, there have to be consequences.

Sheriff Trip Johnson

[to Izzy] I know that you may think my reporting is annoying sometimes, but I wouldn’t know how to do it without you. Good journalists, they look at both perspectives and consider other people’s feelings. I forget to do that sometimes, but you never do.


Home Before Dark Season 2 Quotes

You know, you cover enough stories you stop believing in magic.


Bridget: She never even used to blink when something scary happened in New York. I used to think she was like a sociopath or something. I’m serious.
Matt: Look, she was younger then. I think maybe she understood less.