Frank: Matty, I’m sorry. I’m sorry about everything. You were my best friend and I should have stood up for you.
Matt: You still can, Frank. Yeah, you can do the right thing, right here, right now. No one knows this case better than me and Hilde. Let me see it.
Frank: I can’t. I can only show evidence to the prosecutor and one other person.
Matt: Who’s that?
Frank: Sam Gillis’ lawyer.

Hilde: Secrets are like monsters under the bed. That’s what Sam said. But I think that once you shine a light on them they’re actually not that scary anymore.
Matt: You’re pretty much a superhero monster slayer, kid.

Bridget: Look, I’m going to be real honest, I’m a little out of my depth here. We didn’t have all of this open cruelty when I was growing up. It was more of a behind your back, quiet kind of cruelty. So I’m not exactly sure what the right thing is to say. Girls were mean and shitty to each other but it wasn’t amplified around the world and immortalized until the end of time.
Izzy: What did you do?
Bridget: I ignored them and avoided them and sometimes I just cried quietly in my car like a loser.
Izzy: Mom, what are you doing?
Bridget: I don’t cry in my car anymore, Sweetheart. I am a lawyer. I take screenshots.

Hilde: Can I have a bathroom pass?
Mr. Sipple: To the Holmes County Sheriff’s Department? No.

Hilde: Why are you helping me?
Officer Trip Johnson: I don’t like when they pat me on the head either.

Nevertheless, I persisted.


So we’re going to stay at my grandpa’s house since he moved to an old folks' home. My Mom and Dad say we’re there to be near him but I think it’s because it’s free and we don’t have anywhere else to go.


She’s not like any other kid. She’s my kid and I’m her mom. So no matter how tired I am or how exhausting it can be to deal with someone who is so tiny and so driven, I am going to make damn sure nobody crushes her dreams.


Hilde: I don’t understand. You used to take me out and cover homicides in the South Bronx all the time.
Matt: Yeah, well, that’s because we couldn’t afford a babysitter.

Life isn’t always fair. Justice doesn’t always prevail.

Sam Gillis

Matt: You have no idea how I feel. You never have on this.
Bridget: You never let me.

Bridget: They’ll be super motivated to find Sam which will help.
Trip: Or not. Sam is now an escaped convict. A bunch of local, white cops looking for a native man on the run, they won’t just be carrying flashlights.
Frank: And we don’t want Hilde getting caught up in the middle of that.

Home Before Dark Quotes

What are you going to report on in Eric Harbor anyway? An American flag that beats up an apple pie?


So we’re going to stay at my grandpa’s house since he moved to an old folks' home. My Mom and Dad say we’re there to be near him but I think it’s because it’s free and we don’t have anywhere else to go.
