If I stopped reporting every time something scared me I would never get a story.


We kind of got our old librarian fired for helping a kidnapper but we hope to get off on a better foot with you.


Hilde, I know you’re like this Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist but you literally suck at human people.


It always makes me feel better to know that no matter what, I’m a journalist. No one gave that to me so no one can take it away.


I don’t think Richie Fife’s the only secret in Erie Harbor.


Principal Kim Collins: You and I both know that the world isn’t always kind to trouble makers.
Bridget: Especially little girls. If a little boy did what Hilde did he wouldn’t be in trouble, he’d be the school president.

You want to know the best way to keep a secret? Pretend there isn’t one.

Penny Gillis

What are you going to report on in Eric Harbor anyway? An American flag that beats up an apple pie?


So Carol Collins lived her whole life knowing that her brother took Richie while Sam was locked up for it?


Matt: This story is the end of my childhood and I was only eleven and you’re only nine, Hilde.
Hilde: But my teacher says I’m precocious which is probably just another word for annoying.

You cover enough stories you stop believing in magic.


Hey, Mom and Dad are trying to protect you from scary things, so let’s watch an animated movie where both the parents die in the first ten minutes.

Izzy [to Ginny]

Home Before Dark Quotes

What are you going to report on in Eric Harbor anyway? An American flag that beats up an apple pie?


So we’re going to stay at my grandpa’s house since he moved to an old folks' home. My Mom and Dad say we’re there to be near him but I think it’s because it’s free and we don’t have anywhere else to go.
