Ando: It's genius. Do it again!
Hiro: No! It's cheating!
Ando: Is Peter Parker cheating when he sells pictures of Spider-Man?

Ando: Which casino do we hit next?
Hiro: Huh? Are you crazy? No more gambling! We need to get back to our mission.
Ando: Hey. Can you teleport us to the craps table in Caesar's Palace?

Peter: You Chandra Suresh?
Mohinder: No. That was my father.
Peter: Yeah, um... Your father wrote a book about people with... abilities. I-I think I may be one of them.

[beginning voiceover] Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers. How is this happening? What are they? Why them and not others? Why now? What does it all mean?


[voiceover] When evolution selects its agents, it does so at a cost. It makes demands in exchange for singularity. And you may be asked to do something against your very nature. Suddenly, the change in your life that should have been wonderful, comes as a betrayal. It may seem cruel, but the goal is nothing short of self-preservation. Survival.


Nathan: Would you keep your voice down?
Peter: You were there. Last night I could fly. This morning, nothing. I nearly broke my neck trying.
Nathan: Well, that would have solved one of our problems.

Matt: You want to tell me why I'm still here, or am I just gonna follow you around?
Audrey: We need you to talk to her. Find out what she knows.
Matt: Talk to who?
Audrey: Molly Walker. The little girl you found. We're keeping her here where it's safe until we can figure out what to do with her. She's been through a severe trauma. Both parents murdered right in front of her. She hasn't said a word since we brought her here.
Matt: What makes you think she's gonna talk to me?
Audrey: Well, if you're really a mind reader, she won't need to.

As many of you might have read, my brother Peter had an accident. But what I've kept from the press thus far is that, Peter barely survived a suicide attempt. My first instinct was to keep his illness hidden, but no one should suffer alone, because we are all connected somehow.


There's something I should tell you. Something, uh...I didn't think was right to say when I still worked for your father. Something I wouldn't have even said to you two days ago. I've been in love with you since the minute I first laid eyes on you.


Hiro: A hero doesn't run away from his destiny. My only concern is whether I need to hide my true identity. Perhaps a costume?
Ando: You even mention tights and a cape, I'm going home.

[ending voiceover] This force, evolution, is not sentimental. Like the earth itself, it knows only the hard facts of life's struggle with death. All you can do is hope and trust that when you have served its needs faithfully, there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew.


Mr. Bennet: I don't mean this to be condescending - even though you're gonna say I'm being condescending - but I really do believe this is an adult decision.
Claire: Yeah, you're right. That is condescending.

Heroes Season 1 Quotes

[concerning The Haitan's power] When asked to describe his ability, he drew a picture of himself grabbing memories, like little grubworms, out of people's heads. I wanted to put it on the front of my fridge.


Haitian: Is your father becoming suspicious.
Claire: No. And it’s kind of a problem. Every word out of my mouth is a lie. I have to laugh and smile and look him in the eye – my own father. It’s breaking my heart.
Haitian: Would you prefer I took your memory?
Claire: I need to know that one thing in my life is real.

Heroes Season 1 Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys