Lyle: I'm gonna put this on YouTube and make millions!
Zach: YouTube's free, idiot!

[voiceover] You do not choose your destiny, it chooses you. And those that knew you before Fate took you by the hand cannot understand the depth of the changes inside. They cannot fathom how much you stand to lose in failure...that you are the instrument of flawless Design. And all of life may hang in the balance. The hero learns quickly who can comprehend and who merely stands in your way.


Do you have any idea as to what would happen, Cause I don't. Maybe I'll explode. Maybe I'll take out this hospital. Maybe I'll wipe out the city like an atomic bomb!

Ted Sprague

[to Nathan] Hey, you know what? I'm just gonna fly off the terrace yeah? No? Hey, I can fly. Nathan so can you. Tell you what. Why don't you just race around the Statue of Liberty real quick. Huh? Give this tweedy cat something to write about.


Every hero is on a journey to find his place in the world, it is a JOURNEY, you don't start at the end, otherwise they can't make a movie about it later.


So wait, save the cheerleader, save the world?


Nathan: Do you have any idea who I am?
Mr. Bennet: Better than even you do.

Nathan: Who do you want to be?
Niki: Someone good. A good mother. Not the person that I see in the mirror.
Nathan: Look, I don't know how much of last night was an act, and how much was you.The girl I met, that's the kind of girl you spend your entire life waiting to meet. Somebody strong, somebody beautiful, somebody...good.

[beginning voiceover] When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate, they call it zugunruhe. "A pull of the soul to a far off place," following a scent in the wind, a star in the sky. The ancient message comes calling the kindred to take flight and gather together. Only then they can hope to survive the cruel season to come.


Future Hiro: Peter Petrelli.
Peter: How is this happening?
Future Hiro: I'm sorry if I scared you. You look different without your scar.
Peter: I don't know you, buddy.
Future Hiro: Not yet. My name is Hiro Nakamura. I'm from the future. I have a message for you.

Matt: What are you, FBI? Huh? What, are you CIA?
Mr. Bennet: I'm not part of any organization that has initials.
Matt: Listen to me. Whoever you think I am, believe me, I'm not him. I'm not... I'm not anyone.
Mr. Bennet: Well, that's not true, you're someone. Someone very special.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.


Heroes Season 1 Quotes

[concerning The Haitan's power] When asked to describe his ability, he drew a picture of himself grabbing memories, like little grubworms, out of people's heads. I wanted to put it on the front of my fridge.


Haitian: Is your father becoming suspicious.
Claire: No. And it’s kind of a problem. Every word out of my mouth is a lie. I have to laugh and smile and look him in the eye – my own father. It’s breaking my heart.
Haitian: Would you prefer I took your memory?
Claire: I need to know that one thing in my life is real.

Heroes Season 1 Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys