Ok can you spread your legs for me?


Bailey: What can I do? You're fired.
Mer: Who's fired?
Bailey: All three of you; you're all fired.

There is a big baby who is trying to come out of a small place in my car.


Jackson: So you just kind of have no respect for me.
Maggie: And you just kinda don't like me.
Jackson: Maggie, I love you.
Maggie: I know. But you don't like me. Not the way I am. You want me to expand.

I'm not OK. I know how to rise when I need to, and I know how to take care of other patients, but I'm not okay. I'm sorry.


Levi: If you love me, I deserve better than what you've been giving me.
Nico: I do. I don't think you're annoying. I have just been jealous.

While we're stuck here, do you want to tell me what the hell is going on with my wife?


Owen: Frances, I'm going to carry you just like before.
Frances: You are so very brave, and I am so very not.

I've been defending you, but you're turning into someone no one wants to work with.


Why is my star resident in handcuffs?


There's something about walking through your fears actually going through the worst thing that could ever happen to you. It's oddly freeing


Andrew, as stupid as this was and as much as this terrifies me, I love you too.


Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Quotes

Owen: Yes, I know addiction is a disease, but since when do its symptoms include lying and stealing to people trying to help you? It just all feels like an excuse to justify piss poor life decisions. Wait, where are you going?
Amelia: To Meredith's.
Owen: Why?
Amelia: I don't know, piss poor life decisions.

I tried to convince myself that it was all just the tumor but apparently there is some fundamental part of you that can't love or be loved.
