You've taken your darkest experiences that life gave you and you turned it around and turned it into light and if the woman who gave birth you doesn't want to see that than that's on her.


Mer: So what I'm asking you is this you saying you need a few more days under the cover or are you telling me you want to stop?
Jo: I don't want to stop and I do.

I think I might be wrong about Malibu Barbie. She really may be marriage material.

You will not break. I will lift you up and carry you. I served four tours in Iraq so there is no one better equipped to protect you, Frances.


Can you love me for who I am or are you always going to be disappointed with me when I'm me?


Your weird voodoo is working. I feel clear. I feel clear as to what I want, and I don't feel guilty about trying to get it. I'm going to tell her I love her.


Deluca: I was afraid if I opened my mouth the only thing that would come out is "I love you."
Mer: Oh, OK. Well, I'm glad we cleared that up.

Richard: You could lose your children. They don't put your children in jail with you here Meredith.
Meredith: Unless you're seeking asylum.

Meredith: So, you want us to lie more?
Richard: Oh, so now you're a Girl Scout?

Mer: What?
Amelia: Nothing. You look happy. That's all.
Mer: Do I? That's weird.

I told you a while back that you were incapable of love, but I have been doing some therapy, and I realize that I think it was me I was talking about, not you. And I'm sorry I said that. It's not true. It's the opposite of true.


Dr. Karev, it's not a matter of jumping a line. There is no line. There is no RH blood to be found.


Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Quotes

Owen: Yes, I know addiction is a disease, but since when do its symptoms include lying and stealing to people trying to help you? It just all feels like an excuse to justify piss poor life decisions. Wait, where are you going?
Amelia: To Meredith's.
Owen: Why?
Amelia: I don't know, piss poor life decisions.

I tried to convince myself that it was all just the tumor but apparently there is some fundamental part of you that can't love or be loved.
