Tonya: Dyonte was telling me that you asked to slow things down with him, and I don't want to pry into your business, but I was wondering if that had anything to do with me?
Malika: No, not you specifically. I think this whole thing is new to me and I was a bit
Tonya: Overwhelmed? I get it. I've been poly for a while now, and still, at times it has its challenges.

Gael: Jazmin and I are talking about how to tell our parents about the baby, and I know they're going to want to meet Isabella. But it feels weird to introduce them to her before they've met you. But I don't know how to introduce the woman that I got pregnant and the other woman that I'm dating. It just feels like it's a lot for them wrap their heads around, you know?
Callie: I get it. I don't think that there's a rush for them to meet me. Just let them wrap their heads around one thing at a time.
Gael: Are you sure, be honest?
Callie: It hurts a little, but I'm sure.

Gael: What about deep-sea whales and stingrays?
Isabella: OK, sounds like someone wants a boy.
Gael: No, not at all. I'm just thinking of something that's not gendered. My sister Jazmin is trans, and she kinda had a tough time growing up.
Isabella: I never thought about that.
Gael: Yeah, no one does. We're socialized to think pink for girls and blue for boys, but what if we let our kid pick? You know? When they're old enough we let them decide if they want mermaids or monster trucks or both.
Isabella: I think that sounds perfect.

Dennis: I just wish I knew what I loved to do anymore.
Davia: Well, you love cooking.
Dennis: I love you.

Tony: Oh, I'd watch my back if I were you.
Callie: Oh, is someone out to get me?
Tony: Prosecution. Second chair. Nicolette.
Callie: Over the case?
Tony: don't be naive, if I'm reading things right and I usually do, she's into Jamie.
Callie: Well she has nothing to worry about. I'm seeing someone, and it's serious.
Tony: That was fast. Does he know that you're still in love with your ex?

Gael: Listen, all this stuff they're teaching you, it's to make you feel bad about yourself. We all make mistakes. It doesn't mean we're sinners, especially if you own up, and take responsibility, and make it right. You're a good boy. Try to love yourself. Because God made you perfect just the way you are.
Young Gael: Okay. You too.
Gael: OK.

We're having a Coterie baby!


Since we're all sharing, um, I have something I want to add. I had a son. His name was Jacob, and he died when he was six years old. A few of you already know this, but I mostly kept it to myself because I couldn't deal with talking about it or people feeling sorry for me, but I know that I need to move through all of this, and y'all are like my family. I can't hide anymore.


Therapist: Issac could've chosen to stay and work things out but he chose to leave.
Malika: It's still my fault.
Therapist: Can you describe what you're feeling right now?
Malika: Ashamed.
Therapist: Shame is judgment turned into ourselves for things we often have no control over. It's usually rooted in childhood when we felt humiliated by a parent, or teacher, or peer. And we carry these painful wounds around inside us these feelings that are bad or that we ruin everything.

Gael: Alright, what's up? Is this about Isabella?
Davia: Nope.
Gael: C'mon, I know you got something to say about it.
Davia: I think it's pretty clear you don't care what I have to say now that your bestie is back.
Gael: What Dennis? You know that's not true. You're my girl, ain't no man gonna come between us.

So I took some sensitivity classes yesterday, and my eyes are open. Racism, it's not just in the south! It's everywhere! Did you know that up until recently they only made band-aids for white people?


Malika: I wish I never told Isaac about Dyontae. I should've listened to my girls and just ...
Therapist: Suppressed your feelings?

Good Trouble Season 3 Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Gael: What's the story with Matt? He seems like a good guy.
Davia: He is.
Gael: And cute.
Davia: You think?
Gael: I'd hit it.