I thought I wanted to have this party to prove to my parents that I'm an adult, but I think what I really wanted was to share a piece of my culture with everyone. Sometimes it's hard to balance keeping Asian traditions alive and also trying to feel American. My comedy program folks and I have been through some tough times recently being forced into a stereotypical box. I realize that everyone's experience is different, no matter what you look like. Celebrating and understanding those differences go a long way. Tonight was healing for me, and I hope in some way for all of you. I've never been prouder to be Chinese, and I'm just so proud to be able to call all of you family.


Gael: Jazmin and I are talking about how to tell our parents about the baby, and I know they're going to want to meet Isabella. But it feels weird to introduce them to her before they've met you. But I don't know how to introduce the woman that I got pregnant and the other woman that I'm dating. It just feels like it's a lot for them wrap their heads around, you know?
Callie: I get it. I don't think that there's a rush for them to meet me. Just let them wrap their heads around one thing at a time.
Gael: Are you sure, be honest?
Callie: It hurts a little, but I'm sure.

David: Is everything OK between you and folks?
Alice: Yeah, don't worry, I didn't take your job as Golden Boy.
David: You think I like being the Golden Boy? I've had nothing but expectations placed on me since I was born. I mean you get to be everything you want to be because I'm the one who has to fulfill all of their dreams. Can you imagine if I wanted to be a stand up comedian?
Alice: No, because you're not funny.
David: You know all they ever talk about with me is you.

Alice: I'm gay.
David: Awesome. Maybe we can grab a bite next week?

Malika: So how'd it go with Matt and Dennis last night?
Davia: Well, after some not-so-deep contemplation. Polyamorous isn't for me. I just can't be with two people that I love at the same time.

Mrs. Kwan: You're always so sensitive just like me. When I was young, my mother tried to toughen me up. We just want you to have thicker skin because life can be hard for someone with a sweet heart like yours.
Alice: Well, I am getting tougher. And I'm learning how to stand up for myself. I don't want you to make jokes and cut me down because that doesn't build me up. That doesn't make me feel good, and that's the only way that a sweet heart can survive in this world.

Alice: Thanks, by the way. For being there for me. I never could've done all of this without you.
Sumi: It was nice getting to be there for you for a change.

Alice: what did you do? What did you do?
Dennis: Your mom told me to cut my hair.
Alice: Never cut your hair on New Year's Day.
Dennis: Why not?
Alice, Malika, Davia: It's bad luck!

Malika: Maybe you should consider polyamory.
Davia: Wait, so I date them both and they just date whoever they want?

I understand that Isabella is pregnant, but I'm pretty sure she can keep track of her own hydration.


Tonya: Dyonte was telling me that you asked to slow things down with him, and I don't want to pry into your business, but I was wondering if that had anything to do with me?
Malika: No, not you specifically. I think this whole thing is new to me and I was a bit
Tonya: Overwhelmed? I get it. I've been poly for a while now, and still, at times it has its challenges.

Alice: The point is I want to make you proud and I don't know how.
Mr. Kwan: You make us proud just by being you.
Mrs. Kwan: I tell my friends at Mahjong all about my son the baker and my daughter the building manager.

Good Trouble Season 3 Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Gael: What's the story with Matt? He seems like a good guy.
Davia: He is.
Gael: And cute.
Davia: You think?
Gael: I'd hit it.