I really appreciate you going to meetings with me, but I think I'm going to go it alone from now on.


Callie: Jamie, I love you so much but I'm not ready to get engaged.
Jamie: OK. That came out of left field.

Never have I ever bought an engagement ring for anyone.


Jamie: Do you want to give a place that we can both afford?
Callie: Do you want to live in a place we can both afford?
Jamie: Not really. But if that's what it takes for you to feel like you're not losing yourself in this relationship, I will live anywhere. I just want to be with you. Tell me what you need in order to feel safe.

You don't have to win every battle, and maybe don't think about it as losing something. Think about it as prioritizing something that matters to both of you. And frankly, you're solution to everything can't be moving out.


Alice: Lindsay kissed me.
Joey: Lindsay kissed you? When?
Alice: Before my first show.

I love you.


Mariana: So, I'm sorry for not saying anything after what you said earlier. I didn't want to say it just because you said it.
Raj: Of course, you can say it when you want to say it, if you want to say it.
Mariana: It's not that I don't want to say it's just I want to say it when the moment is right for saying.
Raj: Alright. Enough said.

Sumi: I know Lindsay has been flirting with me, but it's cool because I haven't been flirting back.
Alice: Really? You're practically sitting on top of their face.

Joey: I can't do this.
Alice: Do what?
Joey: This relationship. I can't trust you. It's over.

There's no way of assessing the accessity without an assessment.


I'm not coming back until the sex is over because I'm just going to ruin it for you.

Alice's Conscience

Good Trouble Season 2 Quotes

Jamie: What am I going to do with you?
Callie: Oh, you don't have to do anything with me. Maybe I'm too naive and reckless for you to be bothered with.

I'm not sure I want to know the answer to this. Did you take the files?
