Dennis: Hey, Davia. You maybe want to grab dinner tonight?
Davia: It's Valentine's Day.
Dennis: How about an anti-Valentine's Day dinner?

Never have I ever been in love with someone in this room.


Mariana: She's not coming, of course.
Isabella: Well, it is Valentine's Day.
Mariana: Yeah, but she's all about Jamie now. She couldn't care less about me.

Thank you for the most interesting Valentine's Day in recent memory.


It's hard in a state of grief to know the difference between need and love, that's why it's best not to start any new relationship too soon.


Callie: Jamie, I love you so much but I'm not ready to get engaged.
Jamie: OK. That came out of left field.

Is it going to be this dark forever!


Dennis: So, um, my friend, the one who has been coming here with me. So I'm in love with her, and I want to tell her, but Jacob's mother, my ex-wife, she's pregnant and getting married again, and maybe I'm um, feeling guilty for--
Group member: For also moving on with your life?
Dennis: I just feel like someone has to grieve our son.
Group Member: I think we can all relate to that feeling like we have stop living in order to honor the person we lost, especially a child.
Dennis: She's really been there for me, Davia, you know? I couldn't have done this without her. I may not even be here without her.

I told Isaac I love him first, and he didn't say it back yet.


Maybe I was being too hard on Paul. He was good in bed. He's at least worth a booty call.


Jamie: Oh, I didn't buy that ring for you. It was meant for my ex, Heather.
Callie: Oh. Did you propose to Heather?
Jamie: Yeah.
Callie: What happened?
Jamie: She said no.

Gael: Jamie! You bought my art piece.
Jamie: Yes.
Gael: Thank you, man.

Good Trouble Season 2 Quotes

Callie: Do you work for the sector of Anwei that builds prisons? Is that why they brought you in on this?
Jamie: Not-for-profit prisons, yeah.
Callie: All prisons are for profit.

Diane: What are we doing
Stef: Washing feet
Diane: Other people's feet?
Stef: Yeah.